*From Physique Mastery podcast

I think my coffee intake has been too low lately as I totally forgot to let you know about the podcast I did a few weeks ago. I was on the Modern Musclehead podcast with physique coaches Scott Tousignant and Bryan “Dude Brah’ Krahn.
>>Metabolic Slowdown and More << Click here to listen.
Listen in for more on:
·      metabolic flexibility
·      how to use more fat as a fuel
·      does your metabolic rate slow down (aka metabolic adaptation)?
·      low carb diet (and why they suck)
·      IIFYM (can you just eat crap?)
·      exercise testing (biofeedback) for picking your lifts
·      and much more
This episode begins with Bryan and Scott sharing their current split routines followed by me revealing my passion for odd object lifting and strong man type training.
Listen in.
Turning research into results,
Dr Mike