The Flex Diet Certification opens today, October 18, 2021. Go to to enroll.
The course lays out a complete system of how to use nutrition and recovery for yourself or your clients for better performance and body composition for better health.
Today in the podcast, I break down the top 8 interventions you can do in those areas to improve metabolic flexibility.
Episode Notes
- Breaking down the specifics of the course
- What you’ll take away at the end
- Using physiology and psychology to develop coaching leverage
- You can get CEUs approved from ACE, NSCA, and NASM
- Self-paced and entirely online
- Access to me by email 24/7
- Expert interviews not published anywhere else
Go to for all the information you need to enroll. If you’re listening after October 25, 2021, get on the waitlist to be notified when it opens early in 2022.
Rock on!
Dr. Mike T Nelson

Dr. Mike T Nelson
PhD, MSME, CISSN, CSCS Carrick Institute Adjunct Professor Dr. Mike T. Nelson has spent 18 years of his life learning how the human body works, specifically focusing on how to properly condition it to burn fat and become stronger, more flexible, and healthier. He’s has a PhD in Exercise Physiology, a BA in Natural Science, and an MS in Biomechanics. He’s an adjunct professor and a member of the American College of Sports Medicine. He’s been called in to share his techniques with top government agencies. The techniques he’s developed and the results Mike gets for his clients have been featured in international magazines, in scientific publications, and on websites across the globe.
- PhD in Exercise Physiology
- BA in Natural Science
- MS in Biomechanics
- Adjunct Professor in Human
- Performance for Carrick Institute for Functional Neurology
- Adjunct Professor and Member of American College of Sports Medicine
- Instructor at Broadview University
- Professional Nutritional
- Member of the American Society for Nutrition
- Professional Sports Nutrition
- Member of the International Society for Sports Nutrition
- Professional NSCA Member
Hey, welcome back to the flex the diet podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Mike T. Nelson, where we discuss all things to increase performance of all facets, better body composition, and how to do it all without destroying your health and a flexible program slash system. So today, we of course, we are brought to you by the flex diet certification, which is opening again, today, October 18 2021. If you’re listening to this, go to flex For all of the details of this is the last time it will be open for this year. It’ll be open until October 25. So you have seven days, go to flex And we have all the details there. So what it is, is it’s a complete system of how to use nutrition and recovery for yourself or for your clients for better performance, and body composition.
And they all transfer to having better health also. So what I did is I broke down the top eight interventions and you can do in those areas. Everything from dietary protein, dietary carbohydrates, dietary fat, so neat. So non exercise activity, thermogenesis twitching, walking, movement, exercise, sleep, micro nutrition, fasting ketones, and more. We broke that down into a system where you will learn the overall the big picture of the concepts, which are a mash up of flexible dieting and metabolic flexibility. And then you’ll also learn within just a one hour primer within each area. What you need to know from a technical standpoint.
So for protein, how does protein work? How does it repair muscle? Different things like muscle protein synthetic response? How you break down amino acids? How many different types of amino acids do you need to build more muscle tissue? What are the requirements for that? What are the different types of protein does it really matter as casein matter way, even plant proteins now are also popular. So we break down everything you would need to know on the technical side, those lectures, except for the carbohydrate one, not all less than an hour. So they are pretty dense, they are filled with lots of references. But I do my best to bring you up to a level and not necessarily try to talk over your head so that at the end of it, you’ll understand some of the technical terms, but each one of them is explained.
And then within each area, we have five specific action items. So one of the downsides that I’ve noticed a lot of other certifications is you would have some that are very research based. And they would be good and quite accurate. But you were left to your own devices to figure out what the hell you’re supposed to do at that point, there would be some other certifications that were really good at telling you what to do. But they didn’t mention any of the research.
Or if what they were telling to do to do was accurate. Didn’t really know when you were supposed to apply it, you’re missing the big picture or the context. So one of the things I work to solve is to have all three of those, you’ll understand the big picture, the context of a technical primer for each of the eight interventions. And then you’ll have five specific action items, that we teach you how to apply in the system to know which one is going to be best for each client. Because we know that everyone’s going to be a little bit different clients are going to have their own preferences.
And this allows you to make it more custom to each one of them. And we’ll show you the system of how to do that. So at the end, you’ll have 40 different action items that you can pick from. And the other nice part is that the interventions are laid out with something I call coaching the leverage. So we could rate all of them just based on physiology. And if we did that, it’s useful but only to a point. And what I found when I worked that way in the past, asleep would be near the top right, we could pull all sorts of crazy research showing that if you don’t get enough sleep, everything goes to crap. Therefore you need to get more sleep and you can hammer on your clients about getting more sleep. But what I found in practice was wasn’t super useful. At the end of the day, it ends up being a conversation where you’re telling your client that you You know, those one to two hours you spend a night watching Netflix Yeah, like don’t do that just you know, don’t hang out with your spouse, go to bed, and you’ll feel better. It’s probably true, but it’s a very, very hard sell, they would have to change a lot of other things in their life. And yes, they can increase their quality of sleep, that is helpful.
But if you’re only sleeping five hours a night, you can only increase your quality so much. And at some point, you’re just going to need to sleep more. So the downside I found was that only focusing on the physiology, it made it more difficult in practice to do some of the interventions. So I came up with something we call coaching leverage, which is looking at the physiologic impact. And we multiply that by the psychology, the client’s ability to change. So for example, protein, the physiologic effect, pretty darn high on a one to 10 scale, let’s say it’s a nine.
What I’ve noticed then is most people with a little bit of education, which we go over, are pretty willing to eat more protein, they’re like, wait a minute, I’m trying to lose fat, and you’re telling me to eat more of this thing? Yep, that’s correct. Most people were pretty able to do that. So client’s ability to change the psychology was also like a nine or an eight was pretty high. So in the course, I think I rated it a nine. So nine times nine is 81. So asleep, we could argue maybe even has a higher physiologic response than protein, we’ll give that a 10. But what I found, in practice, trying to get clients to sleep more was exceedingly difficult. So that was add best, maybe a one or a two, right, so if it’s a one, you’re looking at an overall score of a 10. So as it turned out, in terms of the eight interventions, protein was number one via coaching leverage. And sleep was number eight was actually dead last.
And the good part is that this allows you to focus on the things that are going to move the needle, both from a physiologic standpoint, and you’re rigging the system in your clients favor, so that they can do the things that you want them to do that are going to move the needle, and you’re spending a lot less time trying to quote unquote, motivate them having discussions, then they feel bad, because they didn’t do the thing and get to bed earlier at night. And again, this doesn’t mean that sleep is not important. And you may have some clients who are able to move things around and get more sleep.
But I find that that’s usually not the norm. So they’re ranked from one to eight, and number one is protein. And so you would start working on protein with your clients. Once they’re pretty good with that, then you would move on to the next intervention. And So walk me through the system where you’re always working on the big rocks first, from both a psychology standpoint, and a physiology standpoint. Now, most of the course is heavy on the physiology, the psychology and ability to change and those types of things. We do use some tactics from motivational interviewing, they are more on the minor side, and they’re all in essence baked into the system.
So if you’re looking for a course, that’s very heavy on how clients change, different models have changed, you know, like Transtheoretical, model, etc. What to do. Now, this would not be the course for you. But if you’re looking for a system that you want to understand a little bit more on the physiology side, you want a system that you can apply for nutrition and recovery that helps with body composition and performance. And knowing you don’t want to destroy your clients health in the process, then, of course I’m very biased but I would recommend it.
And the cool part now is after much effort and money, we do have CEU approval now which is awesome. So we have CPUs now approved from AC E. CU is from the NSCA national Strength Conditioning Association. And we have CPUs from the NSM from NASM. So if you are part of any of those organizations, you will now be able to get CEU credit for it. The course is 100% online. You can do it anywhere you have internet access. It is primarily video based although we will be loading up the transcripts in there also. And the cool part is these for this one I’m not sure what I’m going to do next year yet.
But if you have any specific questions on the certification, as you go through, you will have my private email address and just email me, I will get back to you usually within 24 to 48 hours unless I’m traveling or out of the country or something crazy. And I will personally help you through whatever questions you have about the material. I’m still able to do this. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep doing it. But I want to do everything I can to do that as long as possible to help you personally, if you have any questions on the material itself.
Last thing, we do have expert interviews in there too. These have not been published anywhere else. They are not on any location. So for protein, we’ve got two interviews, one from Dr. Stu Phillips of McMaster, who has done a ton of research on protein and Dr. Jose Antonio. We talked with Dr. Eric helms about flexible dieting, Dr. Dan party about metabolism in sleep. Dr. Hunter Walden about metabolic flexibility, insulin, Dr. Mike Ormsby, about how your body is using carbohydrates, fat, and protein before bed. And we’ve got even more interviews there too.
So expert interviews from people who are primarily researchers. So this allows you to go even deeper into the topic. And after each intervention, there’s a quiz. So at the end, you will get a completion form. And like I said, this does allow us to apply for CPUs, which we do have now from AC E, the NSCA, and NASM. If you want CEUs from another organization that is not listed there, we obviously can’t guarantee it. But you can appeal for CEUs a fair amount of the time, they usually do get granted. Again, if you have any questions on how to do that process, talk to the organization. And I will help you with whatever information I can give you on my end, in hopes of getting it approved as a one up for other organizations. If there’s an organization that you really want see us from just email me, and I’ll do my best once we get enough to submit to other organizations also.
So there you go, there’s a little bit more about the flex diet certification. It is out now, open October 18 Through October 25th. Go to flex Fl EXD And that will give you all of the information. If you’re listening to this outside of that time period, you can still go there and you can get on the waitlist to be notified the next time that it opens. As of now it looks like the next time it opens will be January of 2022. But go to Flux diet calm either way.
And if there’s any questions I can answer for you just hop on the waitlist and just hit reply via the newsletter. And I will get back to you there. So thank you so much, and I look forward to seeing you in the course. Really appreciate you listening to this podcast. Go to Flux and I will see you there. Thank you so much.
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