On today’s episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I talk with Daniel Spencer of Saluz about the health benefits of blue-green algae. I also share my anecdotal experience trying Saluz’s AFA blue-green algae supplement. Note: I do not make money from a link I’ll share, nor am I an affiliate for the product.
The Flex Diet Certifications will open for enrollment on June 5 and close on June 12, 2023. In the course, I cover eight interventions to increase your performance and to have better body composition. Go to flexdiet.com to sign up for the waitlist. You’ll be the first to know when the course opens.
Listen to hear:
[8:54] Daniel’s background in health and fitness
- [11:58] Where Daniel harvests blue-green algae
- [17:50] The micronutrient value of blue-green algae and mushrooms
- [26:18] What’s in AFA
- [29:42] Connecting with food
- [34:59] Flex Diet Cert concepts
- [45:02] Connecting to the body’s needs
- [49:46] How to dose AFA
- [52:15] Is there research on the product?
- [1:00:02] Quality control
Where to find more information on Daniel and Saluz’s supplements:
Use discount code DRMIKE for 20% off your purchase. Note: I do not make money from sharing this link.
Referenced Links:
- Flex Diet Podcast Episode 190: Let’s Get Woo Woo – From Physics to Scientific Testing to Exercise Performance with Ian Mitchell of Wizard Sciences
- Flex Diet Podcast Episode 142: Training for Life Outside the Fitness Industrial Complex with Chip Conrad
- Share Health with Chip: His Experience with Saluz Algae and Energy Tincture
Rock on!
Dr. Mike T Nelson

Dr. Mike T Nelson
PhD, MSME, CISSN, CSCS Carrick Institute Adjunct Professor Dr. Mike T. Nelson has spent 18 years of his life learning how the human body works, specifically focusing on how to properly condition it to burn fat and become stronger, more flexible, and healthier. He’s has a PhD in Exercise Physiology, a BA in Natural Science, and an MS in Biomechanics. He’s an adjunct professor and a member of the American College of Sports Medicine. He’s been called in to share his techniques with top government agencies. The techniques he’s developed and the results Mike gets for his clients have been featured in international magazines, in scientific publications, and on websites across the globe.
- PhD in Exercise Physiology
- BA in Natural Science
- MS in Biomechanics
- Adjunct Professor in Human
- Performance for Carrick Institute for Functional Neurology
- Adjunct Professor and Member of American College of Sports Medicine
- Instructor at Broadview University
- Professional Nutritional
- Member of the American Society for Nutrition
- Professional Sports Nutrition
- Member of the International Society for Sports Nutrition
- Professional NSCA Member
[00:00:00] Dr Mike T Nelson: Welcome back to the Flex Diet Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Mike T. Nelson. On the podcast, we talk about all things to increase muscle performance and improve body composition, all without destroying your health in the process and using a flexible framework. Today on the podcast we’ve got Daniel Spencer.
And we’re talking all about bluegreen algae. You might be thinking bluegreen algae. What the heck is that? So I was introduced to him through my buddy Chip Conrad. You can check out his podcast we did below here, and it sounded really interesting. I’m always on the lookout for kind of new and innovative supplements.
Again, this isn’t, I would say necessarily new. Bluegreen algae’s been around for a long time and people who are just really interesting in what they do. You can also check out the podcast I’ll link to with Ian Mitchell of Wizard Science. And this sounded pretty interesting, so I wanted to have him on the podcast and talk more about how do they gather it.
They actually wild harvest it in the Pacific Northwest in the U.S., And I’ve been able to use it for a few weeks now and yeah I’d say I generally like it, feel like I have a little bit more energy. Again, it’s anecdotal, so it’s always hard to say. So enjoy this coming podcast with Daniel Spencer from Saluz, which is S A L U z.io.
And if you’re interested in nutrition, make sure to check out the Flex Diet certification. It opens again June fifth, 2023 for one week until June 12th, and you just go to flexdiet.com. F L E X D I E T.com for all of the information there. If you’re looking for a complete system on how to do nutrition and recovery coaching, this is your ticket.
We talk all about the main theory, which is based on flexible dieting and metabolic flexibility. And then each of the eight interventions, which is everything from protein to fats to carbohydrates to neat, which is non-exercise activity, thermogenesis or walking, fidgeting, et cetera, exercise, sleep, micronutrition, which this podcast will fit into and much more.
And then we also have five specific action items for each of the eight interventions. So at the end of this, you’ll understand the concept of metabolic flexibility and how you can use it for body composition, improvements and performance, especially via nutrition and recovery. Yep. We do talk a little bit about exercise, of course, also, and
the nice part is you’ll still be able to get my personal help. So once you sign up for the certification, you can literally email me any questions you have about it which I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to do that, but I’m committed to doing it for this next one for sure. So in the end, you’ll have a complete system that you can apply to yourself or to your clients.
And if you get stuck or there’s something you don’t understand, You can just email me and I will answer you usually within 24 to 48 hours, unless it’s a weekend. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s also expert interviews in here from everyone like Dr. Eric Helms talking about flexible dieting, Dr. Stu Phillips about all protein metabolism, Dr.
Jose Antonio. What happens when you eat too much protein Dr. Dan Pardi and many others. So check it out. Go to flexdiet.com. You can get on the wait list right now. It opens June 5th, 2023, and if you’re listening to this outside of that timeframe, you can still go to flex diet.com for all the information and to get on the wait list of when it opens next time.
In general, right now it’s opening about two times per year. So enjoy this podcast with Daniel Spencer and we’ll have a link to the product here, which is what’s called an afa Bluegreen Algae. I’ll let him pronounce it on the podcast, and you can use the discount code, Dr. Mike. Which is just D R M I K E and that will save you 20%.
And that’s actually not an affiliate program. I don’t make any money off of that. I talked to him about it and said I wanted to remain as impartial as possible because it’s a new supplement that I haven’t tested out yet. And similar to what we did with Ion Mitchell, I wanted all of you guys to be able to test it out at the lowest price possible, so I opted not to make any money off of it.
So you can just use the code, Dr. Mike, d r m i k e, and that will save you 20% at checkout. Enjoy this podcast, Daniel Spencer.
[00:05:18] Dr Mike T Nelson: Hey, welcome back to the Flex Diet Podcast and today our special guest is Daniel.
How are you?
[00:05:24] Daniel Spencer: I’m good man. Good.
[00:05:25] Dr Mike T Nelson: Thanks for having me. We got connected through our good buddy chip Conrad, who I, when did I see him last? I think it was the Moss Wrestling last time we came down through Texas. He was teaching that, which was pretty fun. I don’t know if you’ve ever done it before, but it was a little bit more different than what I thought.
If people are trying to picture it, it’s imagine kinda like a big two by six people sitting on their butts on each side. So one person per side. And then you’re arguing over a stick in the middle. You’re holding onto,
[00:06:00] Daniel Spencer: that’s a good way to put it. Yeah. I like to say it’s steal the bacon, remember the game Steal the bacon.
Yeah, that’s your bacon. I’ve done it a few times and yeah, chip is so good at it and he just threw me right over the board. Yeah. And I was, but I’m so flexible. I was able to like, get in these positions. So yeah, it was pretty interesting. I was actually there. Was that in Austin? Because I was in Austin, yes.
Okay. So then I met, oh, I think I met him. Missed you cuz I came later that day and then O was there and yeah, and then Chip’s girlfriend was there, so Yeah. Yeah. Chip’s an Austin Guy.
[00:06:30] Dr Mike T Nelson: Yeah. And it was super fun because you, I’ve watched the videos of it and I’m like, ah, I always wanted to try that.
And on video it looks deceptively easy, but I think it’s one of those things where the rules of the sport and how to get started is relatively easy. But like all things, like you could spend a lot of time. Doing it and there’s a lot more skill involved because you can slide and move left to right on the board at the same time, which, that’s the part I underestimated how much of a different, like the skill and the technique and the moves and all that stuff makes
[00:07:00] Daniel Spencer: too.
Yeah, and it’s a strength thing too, cuz most people like they strengthen their deadlift from a straight back position in this, you have to be strong and a rounded back position. So I was fortunate enough to be around Chip when he was training for those events. And I, his training’s really different.
He’s training in that rounded back deadlift position, which they is say is bad for you. But yeah, it’s what you need for that sport. You need to be able to and that it’s a great sport.
[00:07:23] Dr Mike T Nelson: And I always point out to people who are against rounded back lifting, it’s. You don’t wanna start there, but the same point, that doesn’t mean you can never do it right?
So you look at strong men doing stones and there’s all sorts of stuff like the, was it Ukrainian deadlift, which is like a, on a suspended thing where you’re below range of motion, like the thing you’re holding onto almost goes like below down to your feet and Yeah. All sorts. Or like
[00:07:46] Daniel Spencer: the, where you get the zercher, like you pick it up from the ground.
[00:07:50] Dr Mike T Nelson: exactly. Yeah, that reminds me of my buddy Adam Glass and I were at the, talked to a strengths challenge years and years ago when they had it. It was a max deadlift max Pullups, and then Max kettlebell Snatches. And a buddy of ours came down from North Dakota and he round back to this like 4 55 deadlift and we both looked at each other and were like, on one hand, considering he doesn’t normally practice that’s pretty impressive that he didn’t blow out his back.
On the other hand, it just looked so horrible. We’re like, we never wanna see that again. Was he fine the next day, the next week he was completely fine. And it’s one of those things where you’re watching it and it wasn’t like he set up with his thoracic kind of rounded and it didn’t move like he set up and then he just got crumpled into a human cashew on the way up.
And you’re like, oh God, this looks like this is so bad. But I don’t know, got away with it. Not again, not what I would recommend. So tell us a little bit about what you do. I know they got connected with you through Chip the supplement that you guys produce.
[00:08:54] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, so originally my background was in health and wellness and fitness and that’s where I met Chip at his gyms along the way.
And I was teaching handstand workshops and ended up moving to Mexico six years ago. And I was doing retreats and, teaching people. I really, the overall theme of it was connecting people to their body and becoming more embodied in the whole physical experience. And so that led me down to nutrition and trying to maximize my physical performance.
And so then I got really into different nutrition products and I’ve been following you for a while and, and so that led me down into the path I’m in now, which is natural medicine. And I’ve been a big believer. We’re in this kind of age of remembering now where we need to go back and learn from our elders and learn from the wisdom that’s been around and not trying to recreate the newest, latest thing out of a lab or that scientist is gonna create.
It’s let’s go back to nature, because nature is proven to exist and she has the perfect balance. She ebbs and flows, but she keeps it at homeostasis. And so my main focus for where I’m at is to maintain that homeostasis as long as possible so that way I can do the things I want to do. And so just so happens that in my research we found about this product, it’s an algae.
And if you think about algae and the story about algae and how it relates to the planet, it was the first organism on this planet that absorbed the carbon dioxide and created life on the planet. So it’s the fastest regenerating organism available today. And so when you take that and bring that into your body is able to nourish and you’re able to regenerate yourselves at a much deeper level.
And it’s so important now more than ever to be able to, I guess you have to supplement. I don’t like the word supplement because people think supplement is when they need it, when they’re sick. But our lives are different than, our ancestors’ lives. Like we just don’t have the nutrients.
We’re not available for us, so we have to supplement. And so this is not a supplement to food. It’s the first food on the planet. And yeah, we’re just excited to share it with people because everybody that takes it, they’re like, I don’t know what just happened, but I feel amazing. And another conversation we really wanna share is it’s not so much focusing on isolating which nutrient you’re deficient in.
Because it’s great people are taking responsibility for their house, but they’re like, okay, I’m deficient in zinc. So then I, then they give their body some zinc, and then it throws off the ratio of the magnesium, and then the magnesium throws off the ratio of the calcium. So it’s a dance, and we’re just trying to tell people, give your body all the nutrients you need and then get out the way and then go see, then see what happens.
[00:11:26] Dr Mike T Nelson: Is that related to, are you familiar with the aquatic ape theory that humans evolve near the coastal lines and one of the reasons for that was. Potentially essential fatty acids and other food sources that were considered more scarce if you weren’t near coastal
[00:11:42] Daniel Spencer: areas. Yeah, no, it’s similar to that.
But so thing about it is, again, looking through the lens of nature. This area where I live, the animals here are thriving. So like we have the largest migrate bald eagle migration area.
[00:11:56] Dr Mike T Nelson: The And explain where you’re living too, so for people
[00:11:58] Daniel Spencer: listening. Yeah. So I live in Klamath Lakes, Oregon, which is 40 miles north of Crater Lake.
And what makes this area unique is originally there was a lake, it was called Modoc Lake. It was a hundred miles wide and a hundred feet deep. And 8,000 years ago, when CRA Lake, it was originally called Mountain Mazama, it, when it imploded, it fed this whole basin full of volcanic minerals. And so now the lake is only eight feet deep.
And so that’s important for the algae because the algae needs light. So it needs the light. And so the lake is so shallow that it has the depth that the light can penetrate so the algae can can grow, but it also needs the minerals. So it needs the minerals from that implosion. So then also it needs fresh spring water.
And there’s 17 beautiful pristine spring waters that feed this whole basin full of this was lake, so it’s literally one of the most pristine places on the planet as far as nature goes. And again, that goes back to the context of these animals are 30% bigger. All the life here is about 30% bigger.
So your cattle’s about 30% bigger. The average trout’s about 32 inches. So these animals have what they need for their environment, and they’re thriving in their
[00:13:13] Dr Mike T Nelson: environment. Very interesting and with algae, so this is different, I think, when people think algae. You mentioned freshwater, like my default is, oh, I’m thinking about the ocean and everything there, but you’re talking about actually a freshwater source of algae, and is there any difference between the
[00:13:33] Daniel Spencer: two?
Yeah, there’s a difference, but mainly, yeah, this is a freshwater algae, so literally it’s grown out of a lake and there’s other species, the species name, which it’s a funny name, but it’s za aua
[00:13:47] Dr Mike T Nelson: that real fast five times. Yeah, exactly.
[00:13:50] Daniel Spencer: No there’s, speaking of Chip, there’s a really good video of him trying to say it and oh, he doesn’t, yeah, I’ll definitely share that with everybody.
It’s really funny. He goes, phenomenon, and then he pulls out the Muppet and then, loses out on the ass. So it’s super funny. But Alua and what it literally translates to is the invisible flower of the water. Because what happens is right now it’s it’s springtime, but it’s, it’s snowing right now actually, which is good for the lake because the algae is gonna hibernate.
And so when it hibernates, the spores are gonna create more essential fatty acid to keep them alive. So that means when you ingest that, you’re getting essential fatty acids as well. So the harsher environment that it grows in, the better it is for your body. And that leads to all like antioxidants, mushrooms and things like
[00:14:36] Dr Mike T Nelson: that, because that’s kinda related to, maybe it was David Sinclair in his book talked about that sort of I can’t remember the word he used, but a passing down of the hormetic effects of the environment via food.
Like you mentioned, and we know this from, the thing I always use as an example is grapes for wine. Like people who have vineyards, they don’t want it too wet. They don’t want it too dry because then the grapes die, but you want it in these more what looks like very arid, harsh climates and it produces different compounds and the grapes, which then they use for wine.
If you look at coffee, it’s the same thing. You’ve got this certain areas that have better coffee and it’s not a perfect environment. It has some of these periodic stressors. Cannabis is the same way. So it appears like a lot of these compounds that have a lot of antioxidants and other nutrients in them they need to be in a sort of just the right amount of stress in the environment where if you remove all that stress it, those compounds tend to show up in lesser
[00:15:40] Daniel Spencer: amounts.
Yep. And you can relate that back to the human. The human organism, a hundred percent. It’s like we are made to adapt into our environment. The more that we can learn to adapt in our environment, the stronger we’re gonna be, the more robust we’re gonna be, the more healthier we’re gonna be, the more alive we’re gonna be.
And yeah, I truly a hundred percent. The harsher the environment, the more benefits it’s gonna have for you. So yeah, it’s a pretty, and again, the whole story of evolution, this algae’s been around for billions of years, so it’s had to survive extreme heat and extreme cold, but it keeps coming back to us and it keeps nourishing our bodies.
Same thing with a chaga mushroom, it, it takes five years for one to even, for you to harvest one and is growing out of a tree. And that’s a, that’s just incredible to think that you can get medicine and nutrients from like a tree and an organism that’s been growing and adapting for that long.
[00:16:32] Dr Mike T Nelson: So yeah, if people have seen chaga mushrooms in the wild, My first thought when I saw a picture of it was like, oh my God, I’d never eat that. It looks like a, like kind of a canker or whatever you would associate. Yeah. But it’s, yeah. Mushrooms are, have all sorts of micronutrients in ’em in different environments, and again, very similar.
Only grow under highly specific conditions in certain locations.
[00:16:57] Daniel Spencer: Yep. Yeah. So we actually have somebody who’s gonna, he’s harvesting our chaga up in the upper peninsula of Michigan. Oh, okay. Yeah. His name is Surfer Dan. And he goes out there and he surfs in, in upper Peninsula and he has a beard, like an ice beard and everything.
He’s been on vice and he is been on everybody’s knows about him, so he’s gonna be harvesting our chaga in
[00:17:18] Dr Mike T Nelson: the future. Very cool. Yeah. Yeah. I did my my master’s at Michigan Tech, which is in Houghton, Michigan. Okay. All the way up in the up, which. It was great. I loved it up there. Super beautiful.
Summers were awesome. The winters were great. Tons of snow, got pretty cold. It was great for the four and a half years I was there, but it gets pretty desolate. I don’t think I’d wanna live there year round, but it’s, yeah, definitely a beautiful place for sure.
[00:17:42] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, definitely.
[00:17:44] Dr Mike T Nelson: Do you do some stuff with mushrooms and also that you mentioned, or are you primarily just working with the algae?
[00:17:50] Daniel Spencer: No we do have mushroom products. So our philosophy is the algae is your micronutrient resource, and 92% of people are micronutrient deficient. And so we’ve, we know that studies show that, if you have a micronutrient deficiency that leads to chronic disease, and 60% of people have a chronic disease, and then 40% of people have two or more.
So that’s our foundation is let’s raise the micronutrient levels up. And again, what makes this algae so unique is the cell wall is made of fatty acids. So lit. Literally, our body doesn’t have to digest it like a plant cell wall to get the nutrients out of it. So you’re able to absorb all the nutrients through the blood brain barrier, and your body’s able to fully, embrace the nutrients.
So our philosophy is razor micronutrient levels up, and that’s where the mushrooms come in, and those are gonna help balance everything out as far as your health goals or, depending on the season that you’re at, when in your life, or the, so we have, for instance, like reishi mushroom, it’s known as the herb of immortality.
And we have chaga mushroom. It’s really good for your skin. It’s good for detoxifying. And again, these mushrooms have the same properties as the benefits. So like a chaga mushroom has a tough skin like kitten skin, so it’s really good for your skin. It’s really good to give your body melanin. It’s also really good for, help you with melatonin and sleep as well.
So these plants are literally giving us a lens to look at, to actually learn more about it and what they’re gonna be good for. Rai mushroom red is good for your heart, and black is good for your kidneys. So we know, like nature’s telling us. Okay. And these are things that I was telling about earlier.
It’s like the wisdom. The more that we can learn about this and be like, okay, if I’m, if I’m, if I have heart problems and I know I need to have more ratio or something like that, cause it’ll help, regulate my blood sugar and cholesterol. But we also have Cortis, Sunesis, are
[00:19:37] Dr Mike T Nelson: you familiar with Cortis?
Yeah. Explain the, which version is, because there’s, if you go in the literature, there’s a huge debate about the use of ceps. What type, like most of what’s grown, my understanding is that Ceps Militarists, which is a little bit different, but yeah. If you wanna explain that for people who are not familiar in kind of the history of it.
[00:19:57] Daniel Spencer: Yeah. So we’re so fortunate because our mycologists, he was the guy that went to Tibet and brought Corti Sunesis, which actually grew out a Caterpillar larva, right? There’s a really good video called Fantastic Fungi, and they talk about. They show that wonderful video, see that happening? It’s amazing video.
And so literally they’re, that, that species, it grows out of a death. So basically mushrooms, they grow from death, and they create life. And so it grows out of a caterpillar larva. And so it looks like a caterpillar. It’s long and slim. And so are Mycologist. He went to Tibet, gosh, I think it was 45, 40 years ago, and got this species, no, it’s 20 years ago.
Got this species, came back to the United States, and he’s been cultivating ever since. And he’s the reason why we know about Corti Epsis. And so Corti Epsis is known as the athlete’s mushroom because in the eighties, the Russians and the Chinese were taking it and they were dominating their athletic performance in track and field weightlifting.
Because what Cor Ceps does, it increases your attp storage of your lungs. So you’re able to produce more oxygen to your lungs and you’re able to
[00:21:02] Dr Mike T Nelson: be more efficient. Interesting. And of course, Those athletes are also using drugs at the same time too, but yeah, you could argue that all of ’em are probably using similar drugs too
[00:21:14] Daniel Spencer: yeah, exactly. So yeah, so Cortis is an amazing mushroom. It also has not just athletic properties, it also has properties for immunity hormone regulation. It’s just an, it’s a really amazing mushroom. We also have pine pollen, and now most people think, pollen. Oh, that’s, that’s the yellow stuff that gets all over my car.
And that’s the stuff that gives me allergies. No, pine pollen does not give you allergies. It actually helps you with your allergies. But the pollen gives you allergies, is the stuff, is the other pollen that’s current. The plants are producing. But pine pollen is a really good phyto andro.
So it’s a really good hormone balancing for men and women. And what it does is it literally it it helps the free estrogens move out of your body. Cuz a lot of times we get exposed to environmental stress and, if you eat the wrong foods, it throws off the estrogen testosterone balance.
And so by taking pine pollen is literally helping regulate that in your body. And in Chinese medicine, it has been known to balance out the five meridians. So these, and so pine pollen, if you think about the story and its relationship and the benefits to the environment, it’s like the multivitamin in the forest floor, it’s springtime, so it’s, the nature’s waking up and it’s pollinating everything.
So now the birds have energy, the bees of energy, all the critters have energy, the bugs of energy, and now they’re gonna reproduce. And so it’s now is the time to start ingesting pine pollen.
[00:22:39] Dr Mike T Nelson: Interesting. And. Going back to the ceps, is the, this in essence version, is that at a price point that’s reasonable.
Because what I’ve seen, when I looked at, so years ago, I was looking at doing a mushroom supplement product. And this is probably, God, seven years ago, in short, I had everything lined up. I had, potential investors, distribution, all that kind of stuff. But I ended up not doing it because the quality of a lot of the products was, I would say probably less than suspect.
And then some of the versions I was able to find, they were not super upfront with what portion of the mushroom it was from. So for example like reishi, there’s a fair amount that were lab grown at that point, but it wasn’t necessarily the fruiting body of it, it was the mycelia portion.
Again, if you look in the literature, there’s a big debate about is it the fruiting body, is it the mycelia portion? Blah, blah, blah. But. I couldn’t really get any, what I felt was a decent sourcing that matched the literature. Now it’s a lot more accessible and there’s a whole, bunch more companies.
But even then, the handful of companies I’ve called, like the ones who were good, are pretty forthright about what they do. The ones that are eh, I’m not really sure that’s, it seems more like a lot of smoke and mirrors a lot of times. Yeah.
[00:24:01] Daniel Spencer: Yeah. There’s a lot to weed through for sure. We’ve been fortunate enough, like I said, to be able to connect connect with the people that are they masters.
They have originated and have been a part of this whole industry, multiple industries, for a while. For, so from our mycologist, He’s world renowned. I’m going around and building mushroom labs all over the world and creating mushrooms and an opportunity for people to create an economy and doing it in the most healthy, sustainable way and most efficient way as possible.
So our cortis epon is, does not come from China, it comes from from lab, but it comes from the original genius species from him. Yeah, so we have him giving us the mushroom products and then the algae. So I live where we harvest the
[00:24:45] Dr Mike T Nelson: algae. Yeah, I saw your videos. It’s pretty wild.
[00:24:48] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, thanks man. And it’s an incredible story. We just want to tell the story and share, share the story. I’m like, make, give people awareness of the products. And so I live at the house of the harvester and he’s been harvesting the algae for 25 years. So he knows he’s seen any ups and downs. He’s, I call him the Albert Einstein of algae.
So we’ve had great conversations. I was a part of the whole harvest process last year. I’m fully connected to it. It’s really great too, because I’m not just have a company, but I’m a part of the whole experience. And that’s what we want to do is because my business partner has a background in, in media and a document storytelling.
And so we wanna educate people and we wanna connect people to the products and show people where they’re coming from and show the people that are harvesting them so that way people feel more connected to it. Cuz we know that when people feel more connected to it can increase their efficacy and their beliefs and they’re gonna wanna continue to ingest the product and benefit
[00:25:45] Dr Mike T Nelson: from it.
Yeah, and I think especially now with everyone and their brother making the greens product, which again doesn’t mean they’re all bad, but it’s. By nature of that type of product, it’s easy to hide a bunch of stuff and not really have potency and not really sure what you get. It’s oh, I don’t know. It looks green.
Must be good. It, yeah. And so with your product, what’s interesting is it’s more of a single ingredient only, and then do you want to talk a little bit about how it’s actually harvested and what you do to get it out of the lake?
[00:26:18] Daniel Spencer: Sure. Yeah, so it’s just one ingredient. That’s what think people. We show them the product and they’re like, what’s in it?
It’s yeah, that’s, it’s afa. There’s nothing in it. It’s it’s So going back to your conversation about the green foods. Is the green foods, yeah, they’re green. They also have a lot of fillers in them too. And the reason why you’re taking ’em is from phytonutrients. And you think you’re getting these nutrients, but your body’s unable to absorb all the nutrients because maybe they’re not processed pro properly.
Or for instance, chlorophyl is a big one and people are getting, that’s why people have the green foods for Chlorophyl, but. There’s two different types of chlorophyl. There’s a chlorophyl A and a chlorophyl B, and most of those greens that you’re ingesting in the green powders are chlorophyl B. So meaning they don’t have the, they’re not an active form of chlorophyl.
So yes, they’re green because they’ve reflect the light from the sun, but that doesn’t mean they’re actually can do what they say they’re gonna do over your body. And so what makes our product unique is it has the active chlorophyl because it’s absorbing the sun rays, the photons, that have to travel 90, millions miles just to connect to the algae.
And it’s creating the energy. So it’s able to absorb the red lights, the blue light spectrum, and the greens, which is the chlorophyl. So our product actually has those three pigments in it. So I don’t know if you notice when you mix it around, you see a little bit of the green, which is the chlorophyl.
And when we harvest it, the chlorophyl, you can smell the chlorophyl. It literally smells like, It’s sweet. It’s literally, it’s, that’s the plant’s blood, and that’s a sweet essence. And so there’s a little bit of orange, which is the beta kein, and it has the highest amount of beta, which is amazing antioxidant as well as it has something called FICO sanin, which is the blue pigment and Fico sandin.
So FICO sanin is the blue pigment, but it also has, that’s the antioxidants. It’s also anti-inflammatory. So again, these are what the algae had to create to survive in this environment. And so when you ingest that, you’re getting all the nutrients at the same time. So next time you do mix it around, how are you taking it currently?
[00:28:22] Dr Mike T Nelson: So right now, I initially started off with just mixing it in water and was just taking it that way. I played around with adding it to protein shakes a little bit also. Cuz I wanted to know what is the taste without anything else? And it’s not bad. Like I expected it to be pretty horrible to be honest.
Yeah. It’s not amazing. It’s not ooh, this is the best thing I’ve ever had in my life. But it wasn’t really that bad. It was more mild than what I thought. And it does have a, I dunno how you’d explain it, a greeny and grassy sort of flavor to it, but it was milder than what I thought.
Like some of the really early greens products, like they tasted like you just opened your mouth behind a lawnmower. They were like sucking on pieces of sod. They were just God awful so that’s what I expected. And it wasn’t too bad if you, I mixed it with, other compounds and it mellows out pretty fast.
Like you, if you don’t like that flavor, I found you could mask it pretty easily. You can still taste it there. You’re not gonna make it go away. But it wasn’t, I was surprised it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was
[00:29:26] Daniel Spencer: gonna be. Nice. Yeah. And that’s what we, that’s exactly Cause people have these connotations of their experience with green foods.
Oh it’s green, it must be bad for me. Or it must taste bad. No, we like to tell people it’s like a tea, right?
[00:29:38] Dr Mike T Nelson: Yeah. It was much more like almost green tea but not as bitter I guess you could say. Maybe not as much of those kind of tannins, but the the flavor of a green tea is probably, I would agree.
Probably the best description.
[00:29:52] Daniel Spencer: Yeah. So again, we tell people we want people just cuz the mobile think green powder, they have to slug it down like a wheat grass shot. Slow down. Enjoy it. Like thinking about the flavors that you’re ingesting into it and think about it. So when I was traveling around the country, and I’ll get back to your harvest question.
Yeah. You’re good. When I was traveling around the country, like just tearing, telling people about the product, I would literally go up to people and I would show them and mix it around. They would smell it, taste it, touch it, and I would talk to ’em about the different color spectrum and I’d get them connect to it and they’d be like, oh wow, okay.
And they’d look at it and then when they taste it, they’d be like, oh, okay. Yeah. So they’re able to embody it more. And I think that’s a big issue. I feel that people are just disconnected, right? They’re disconnected to nature one, but very disconnects from themselves. You can have the conversation with them, like, how are you feeling today?
I feel great. How well did you sleep? How, what’s your digestion? What’s your relationships like? And then people are gonna dive down and they’re gonna say no, that would not fall in the great category. But we’re so programmed to say, I feel great, even though we’re not listening to the signals that our bodies are giving us, we’re quick.
We’d much rather listen to a red signal on our car than we would a red signal on our body. So yeah that’s what we’re trying to do, is just connect people, like one, connect people to the product. And what’s great too is by taking the product every day, it’s gonna give your body these nutrients.
But then we’ll start to manage the cravings. Because a lot of people say, I crave sugar, I crave this After certain times they’re emotional eating. There’s a reason why, because they’re nutrient deficient, they’re nutrients starved. And every time you are in a stressful situation, your body’s pulling from nutrients.
It’s pulling from these micronutrients. So then your body’s having to pull from other areas. And so that’s where you’re trying to get, that’s where you have those emotional eating habits. And so what we found with our customers is maybe they have a cookie habit after four o’clock or with their coffee.
Now they’re like, oh, I don’t crave that cookie anymore, or I don’t crave this for any of that anymore because we’re feeding their body with nutrients. And so in that process, they’re learning about their cravings, they’re learning about their habits, and they’re learning about themselves, and they’re able to connect to themselves a lot deeper.
And so yeah, that’s a much deeper lens to look through of what we’re trying to do. But again, it starts at raising the micronutrient levels up and giving your body, getting your body outta that survival state. A lot of people are living, unfortunately, in this survival state of, fight or fight, fight or flight, and then the body stresses as soon as they miss an appointment or the late for soccer practice, and their body’s oh my gosh.
And then they’re racing around and they’re over caffeinated, and now you’ve created this organism that’s unbalanced and they’re just reacting. And they’re not fully restoring as they should and then have trouble sleeping. And so it just, Obviously it compounds on that. So yeah, so this really important for what we’re trying to do is connect people and share this these properties with people and let them know that this is available for them.
[00:32:43] Dr Mike T Nelson: No, that’s great. And one thing related to that too is, I mean I, obviously I’m biased cause I have a Flex Diet certification and I talk about micronutrition and one of the easy, I don’t like to use the word hack, but one way you can assess micronutrition is just by looking at the colors of the food you eat. But one of the things I have in there is assuming it’s not, Skittles and M and mss, like how many different colors do you eat?
Cuz of what I’ve noticed after doing this for a long time is people are like, oh yeah, I eat more vegetables, but they tend to gravitate to two or three and they tend to be a lot of times similar color. So I’ve noticed some people might be really good eating, greens and kale and spinach, but Dark fruits or anything in that area, not so much no oranges or anything else.
And when you look at just a simple breakdown, you find that a lot of those pigments surprise are antioxidants, right? So ASAs, Zanine is a red color in seafood. You mentioned beta Carin, obviously you have chloro, chlorophyl. And pretty much across the spectrum, each one of those has unique properties that some of the other compounds don’t.
So I always think just looking at the colors of your food is a pretty good indication. If you’re getting a fair amount of micronutrients, if you just wanna do a back of the envelope calculation.
[00:34:02] Daniel Spencer: Absolutely. Absolutely. I’m glad you brought up pigment, because this, this algae, it has all the pigments of it.
So it has the the astaxanthanin as well. It also has all these antioxidants. So one of the things you learn that you don’t need to, it’s the easiest approach that I’ve found to keep me healthy. So you have people that they say they don’t wanna eat vegetables, they don’t wanna eat their veggies.
If by taking this product, you’re getting the phytonutrient. That’s why we tell ’em to eat their vegetables is micronutrients. That’s, find the easiest way to get our micronutrients. And that’s what I found is by taking this product. And so when I was traveling, I wasn’t stopping over, pulling over and grabbing a salad at places, and to eat because my body wasn’t craving that food.
I, I’ve noticed, I don’t crave the salads anymore. I don’t crave the vegetables as much anymore because my body is getting enough micronutrients. So for me it’s an easy approach to health, but I still do enjoy those flavors as well. But yeah. So tell me more about the flex diet.
[00:34:59] Dr Mike T Nelson: Yeah, so I set up a way to figure out for the average trainer and even like a high-end fitness enthusiast, like how do you figure out what are like the top interventions to do for body composition, performance, and health at the same time?
Because we know you can do things to radically increase your performance, but may come at the cost of body composition or health, right? You can do things to get better body composition. I’ve heard cocaine works great for that, but obviously not recommended for your health either. So how do you figure out what would be those things that kind of elevate all three at the same time?
And then how do you figure out like where to start? Because a lot of people, I think that’s like the missing point and that everybody has a certain product, again, that can be helpful. But how do you figure out where to start it? How would you rank them? So what I did is I figured out that we need something that has some type of physiologic effect, right?
So if it’s not moving the needle physiologically, then probably not super useful. But then also when you work with actual humans, you have to factor in the psychology of it. So what I call like their ability to actually change. So one of the examples I use is sleep. So from a physiologic standpoint, yeah, sleep’s like super high.
Like I’ve, out of all the people I’ve worked with, I haven’t seen anyone who can get by on very little sleep at without some cost. If you work with clients and you try to convince people to sleep more it’s not an easy conversation because at the end of the day, it almost always comes back to, oh, so you’re telling me those one or two hours, I watch Netflix at night and relax with my spouse, significant other, whatever, that I should not do that and just go to bed.
Yeah, you can increase sleep quality. There’s a bunch of things you can do there, but if you’re only getting five hours a night, it doesn’t matter. You know what kind of high quality you are. So the topic I, the thing I created was called coaching leverage, which is a physiologic impact times the client’s ability to change.
So sleep has super high physiologic impact probably a nine, maybe a 10, even not a 10. But their client’s ability to change, especially in a short term, is pretty low. It’s like a one or a two. So out of the eight interventions I had, that actually ended up being the last intervention. Not necessarily because it’s not important, it’s just you don’t have as much leverage there to start where the first one actually ended up being dietary protein.
Cause a lot of people still probably under consume protein, at least in a general population. Some fitness people probably go a little bit too far on the other extreme. But then if someone wants to lose weight and you’re telling ’em, Hey, you can eat more of these things, they’re like, whoa, that doesn’t make sense.
I thought I was just supposed to eat less of everything. So their ability to change and to implement that is relatively high. So protein came out number one. I think micronutrition, if I remember it was like number four. So again, definitely moves the needle. Physiologically does take a little bit more, I guess you could say, skill to try to get people over that.
Which is why I think supplements can be super helpful if you apply the coaching leverage to supplements. Some of ’em may or may not have super high physiologic amount or the ability to change that can be debated. But in terms of a client’s ability to change or to actually do the thing, it’s like super high.
It’s like a 10 out of a ten. Just add this, substance to your drink, take this capsule, whatever. It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort. And I think that’s where supplements can be super useful. But that’s also an aspect that isn’t really talked about a lot cuz people are either like, oh, supplements are super helpful and that’s all you need.
Or Oh they’re horrible and why? What are you supplementing your diet? You idiot, you should just eat real food. What are you doing? And the answer is, yeah, you could somewhere in the middle. So you eat mostly whole foods. Yeah, I agree with that. However, especially when you’re working with a general population whose diet is normally like a floating Trashman fire in a flood, I’m okay with having them use supplements especially to start right, okay, now you start to feel better.
Great. Now let’s, work on maybe getting some of these more from real food and work that direction, but. Most people don’t feel very good. So their odds of doing anything and doing more stuff actually is very difficult then.
[00:39:13] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, exactly. But it goes down to what you talked about, the habits, right?
Yeah. It’s changing, it’s getting people to make that habit to, to actually take it every day. And one of the things people say is oh, I forget or forget. It’s do you forget to eat every day? Do you forget to? Yeah. Do do you forget to brush your teeth every day? No. Could be.
Why is that? Because it’s a habit. So by taking maybe a powder and putting into your shaker bottle and mixing it around and bringing it with you, that’s a new habit that can be created, but it’s gonna have a long lasting benefit. And and then going back to supplements is, yeah, people, it’s great that people are taking supplements, but then a lot of them are synthetic.
And then we know that our bodies don’t know what to do with synthetic supplements. So now you’re just basically having expensive, urine, for instance, and your body’s you don’t know what you’re absorbing. You’ve heard that this supplement might be good. But it’s, you just, you’re just buying it and you’re trying it and did you feel anything?
I don’t know. I don’t know if it’s working, but I’m gonna keep taking it because my doctor says I should, yeah, so it, the whole supplement industry is an interesting industry because there is so many things that are just not very valid and they don’t really help people, but people are investing the money into and they’re not really getting the benefits they’re hoping for.
And it’s just overwhelming too. And it’s just crazy. You walk into any supplement and you’re like, where do you even start? Yeah. Where do you even start? So if you have somebody that you’re talking about with your, in your coaching program, it’s okay. We’re, our diet dyes like a trash bin.
Which to me I can’t even imagine what I would feel like if I eat like that. And then you have and then you have them like, okay, you’re gonna get supplements, and then they’re gonna go buy maybe the cheapest one. They’re gonna get magnesium and, okay I’ve already, I need magnesium. Okay, they’re gonna get the cheapest one and it’s cost $4 and magnesium sterate.
And now you’re like, okay, this isn’t really, your body isn’t not to do as magnesium sterate, it’s actually can be damaging for the body. So yeah, it’s a weird, it’s a wild west of world out there. And so we’re just trying to give people an opportunity to give people a real food that’s gonna nourish their body.
So then, and that’s their supplement to their, to diet. But again, it goes down to having a balanced diet. Eating as fresh food as possible, eating as local as possible, and like just enjoying food. I think that’s another thing too, is people, they tend to, Check the box. Okay, I ate today.
What’d you eat today? I whatever. I put something in the microwave and I ate it mindlessly and I went and did my next thing. It’s like you just missed on a huge opportunity to connect to your body, slow down and actually en enjoy those flavors. Enjoy that experience of eating right. So yeah, so that’s what we’re trying to do.
It just help people like shine the mirror at them is if you watched yourself move throughout the day, like a sporadic, crazy, anxious person, does that look relaxful? Does that look restful? Or if you watch yourself eat and you were just shoveling it down, when you’re staring at your phone, you’re not able to absorb those nutrients, and if you are bringing in more protein, but your body can actually break down the proteins, amino acids. Then what are you really ingesting? And we know that the reason the amino acids are what people are lacking, and they’re, these amino acids are the programs, the people that run the body.
And so we’re not getting the proper amino acids through our diet, and then we don’t have the enzymes to actually activate those amino acids so they can run the program. Then we have the system’s off. And what’s great about our product is it has all 20 amino acids. It has the precursors of nur, a neurotransmitter, dopamine, and serotonin.
So it’s gonna raise your mood, it’s gonna increase your mood and increase your focus. So now you have an increased dopamine and now you have the nutrition going to your brain. So now you’re able to focus longer and focus on the things that you really wanna focus on rather than just swiping right and swiping left all the time.
And and so also the amino acids are important because they tell your body when you’re full. And again, if you’re eating protein but your body isn’t able to break ’em down amino acids, then you’re not, your body’s not telling when you’re full and you overeat. And that’s when you have all these issues.
And again, it’s the disconnection from the body.
[00:43:14] Dr Mike T Nelson: And yeah, I often teach that it’s you eat for two reasons, the h and h. So I have this thing where I love alliteration cause it’s easier for humans to remember. Yeah. For homeostatic reasons, right? You need energy, you need these basic things to run your body.
But we also eat for hedonic reasons that food tastes good and it’s a form of enjoyment. And it just seems like people are. In the fitness world, they either skew one direction or the other. They’re like, oh, I should have told me aesthetic, don’t taste your food. Just eat it. To, oh, I only want these, you
[00:43:46] Daniel Spencer: want my food
[00:43:46] Dr Mike T Nelson: And Yeah, food and liquid.
Yeah. Yeah. Or I only want these foods because they’re pleasurable. And the reality is you wanna find that happy medium. That’s both right. You want a meal that you actually literally enjoy, that’s also nutritious. And even with digestive stuff, what I’ve done more lately is the last couple years, is just ask people more about what state they eat in.
And even just, having them do a couple slow breaths before they eat, or if they, wanna say a prayer or whatever they wanna do, just to slow down, actually chew your food, like what, try not to do anything else at the same time you’re eating. Don’t be scrolling through Instagram.
Whatever else. And even just doing that, in a lot of cases, not every case, their digestion improves. Because if your body’s in a state of fight or flight, it’s literally diverting blood flow away from your gut because it thinks it’s gonna run from a lion or do some exercise. So just getting people more parasympathetic, more relaxed.
There’s very interesting studies that show people tend to eat less at the same time. Yeah. And just get ’em to enjoy their food, be, become more aware of what they’re doing. How do they feel after they get done eating? Do you feel pretty good? Do you feel horrible? Like you said, just maybe just a little bit more aware of what’s actually going on.
[00:45:02] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, there’s checks and balances are super important for sure. Like you just said, like that’s why it’s important to show the mirror at people and ask the. How do you feel after that you ate that meal? Was that a meal that’s gonna nourish you or is that gonna make you want to lay on the couch and sit there and not have energy to move?
And I think also the tendency is to overeat and then we overeat and then we don’t have the energy to do the things because we’re our body’s trying to digest the nutrients here to actually trying to continue ride your day or, and yeah, listening to your body is the overall tenant of this, and connecting and having that relationship with your body is, is the foundation for health.
I truly believe in ex long as adaption and things like that. And so what makes again, a f a unique and our, so we harvest it. So when we harvest it, we can only harvest it at one time a year. Because it has to be the right environment, it has to have the right amount of light. We typically harvest it on around a full moon because it needs the extra photo activation from the moon to bring the algae to the surface.
If it doesn’t have the light, the algae’s not gonna come to the surface for the light. And if it doesn’t have the minerals, then the algae’s gonna be dormant and just a little bit of wind will make the the algae will actually go back down to the surface and then we can’t harvest it. So when it’s go time, it’s literally right on the surface of the of the lake.
And you can see a respirating, you can see it absorbing the carbon dioxide and creating oxygen. It’s an amazing opportunity. And so we have two different harvesters and they go out there and all they’re doing is they’re skimming the edge of the harvester of the water. They’re lifting the algae out of the water’s draining out of it.
And then we’re bringing it to this one barge, and then we’re bring it to another barge. And we’re bringing that barge back to shore. And then instantly we take it to Utah. We drive it all the way to Utah, 14, 14 hours just because of the best drying facility on the planet. And so what they’re doing is they wash the cells again so that we each cell this algae, it’s a microscopic cell, it’s bathed and fresh in fresh water, and then we remove the water and then we dry it for four minutes of body weight temperature.
And by doing that, we’re keeping the enzymes alive. By keeping the enzymes alive, now we’re able to activate the nutrients and we’re able to create that synergy of the algae. Because it’s, the thing about it is it’s not just, it’s not justino acid, it’s not just enzymes. It’s not just the chlorella, it’s the synergy of all those working together, creating the different nutrients that our bodies need, as opposed to just a green food, which is just this grass and that grass and this grass and that grass.
It doesn’t have the synergy, it’s removed from its natural environment and where it grows and the algae is still intact. And so our harvesters are so passionate about keeping all the nutrients intact. So they gave us the best product to bring to the market
[00:47:51] Dr Mike T Nelson: in ship and sell. And you mentioned that the cell wall you said was actually essential fatty acids and I believe the cell wall in other
forms, like you’ll see different forms. It’s say like a correct cell wall because you have a harder time accessing the actual nutrients in it. Is that correct? That is correct. Yeah. So
[00:48:11] Daniel Spencer: chlorella, they actually break the cell wall with right sound. Yeah. And spirulina is another one, but it has a cellulose cell wall, so the nutrients are there, but your body has to digest them.
And then also you need about five times as much spirulina just to get the nutrition quality that you get in one gram of our product. So spirulina also has a different flavor profile as well,
[00:48:37] Dr Mike T Nelson: and the way they process find a taste pretty horrible.
[00:48:40] Daniel Spencer: It taste like a fish. Tastes like a fish tank,
[00:48:42] Dr Mike T Nelson: right? Yeah.
I tried it for a while and I’m like, this stuff tastes bad.
[00:48:47] Daniel Spencer: Yeah. And then you had going back to habits and usually say, okay, you’re talking to people. Okay. I want you to start taking spirulina. And they take it and they’re like, oh gosh, they can’t do it. Yeah. And then now they have that block.
They’re never gonna want square, they’re not gonna want green foods because they think all the green foods are gonna taste like a fish tank
[00:49:05] Dr Mike T Nelson: and bluegreen algae. Is that something also a little bit different or is that sort of similar to your product since you’ve got different colors and antioxidants in it?
Or how similar or different is it?
[00:49:16] Daniel Spencer: So it’s, spirit, it’s theano bacteria. It itself falls in the same category. Asano bacteria, solina bacteria and this algae isano bacteria. But this species is different because of its, it’s fagua. So yes, it is a bluegreen algae cuz it has the blue pigments.
And it has the green
[00:49:32] Dr Mike T Nelson: pigments. Yes. Gotcha. And what is a typical like dosing obviously for your finished product? What do. Most people start with, what do they go up to? Sure. What are the general recommendations?
[00:49:46] Daniel Spencer: So we tell people to start with one gram, which is a spoon. And we give you a spoon when you have the product.
So you get a jar and we give you a little spoon, and then the, we tell people to start with one gram because it’s strong and detoxifying the body, because what it’s doing is the minerals from the volcano are accumulated to the vitamins. And so in that process, they’re able to pull the nutrients out of, they pull the toxins outta the cell and bring the nutrients into the cell.
And what happens is when you bring the toxins out of the cell wall, they become into the body, and the body can get overwhelmed with toxins. And they have the the effect of, maybe you have a headache or maybe your stomach’s a little bit off. So we tell people to start small.
We start with one gram, and after about two or three days, you’re feeling fine. Then you wanna ramp it up, you wanna ramp it up to two to three grams a day. And one serving is the equivalent of more nutrition than one pound fruits and vegetables. Because if you were just to eat a pound of fruits and vegetables, you’re getting all the phytonutrients, but you’re not getting the omega3s.
And our algae has omega3s. It has not only the main omega3s, like D hha, E P a l a, but it has all the different variations of those. So it has the different so of a 20 different spec, different types of omega-3 s essential fatty acids. It has over 70 minerals. It’s just, and so it had, and it has over thousand enzymes, so you take like a magnesium.
And magnesium comes outta chlorophyl a lot of people, yeah. That’s what makes it unique too, is you’re getting magnesium from its core. You’re getting magnesium from the sun. You’re not getting it from a pill. And so Mag, the chlorophyl has magnesium at its center, which is very similar to iron,
[00:51:27] Dr Mike T Nelson: yeah. As they look very similar, you take the two chemical structures and it’s pretty crazy. I did that a couple years ago and I was like, holy crap. That’s weird. Isn’t
[00:51:36] Daniel Spencer: it crazy? And I like, it’s cool too because I tell people, when I’m having conversation in the fitness world, it’s you know what a mace looks like?
Imagine a mace with chloral at center. So you have a hydrocarbon. And so you basically, you bring in this, these nutrients into your body bringing like that nutrients into your body. And yeah, so it literally, it’s, it has the synergy. So so it has magnesium, right? But it also has glycine, so it has the enzyme to turn that into magnesium glycinate.
So it has magnesium and it has histamine, and so it has magnesium, histamine, so it has all the different variations. So literally you’re getting all the different variations of these minerals because it has the synergistic effects of the nutrients.
[00:52:15] Dr Mike T Nelson: Very cool. Yeah. Is there any studies on it just related to pure performance, or has that not really been looked at a whole lot yet?
[00:52:23] Daniel Spencer: As with studies they cost a lot of money, unfortunately. Oh, yeah.
[00:52:26] Dr Mike T Nelson: They’re very expensive and they’re paying the ass to do with real humans. That’s
[00:52:29] Daniel Spencer: exactly, but the nutrients that are in the product have been obviously, have been studied. So we have the nutrients that are in the product, they have the studies, but we don’t have the studies to actually back up the efficacy of it.
But there is a lot of more research about FICO sanin and has, it, has antioxidant effects and how it protects you from covid and things like that. And it’s been really good. And a bunch of other antiviral properties as well. So there’s more and more research that are, is coming out, but this product in itself has, doesn’t have the money and research to actually been studied, as it needs to be.
And that’s what we wanna do, is we wanna be able to fully test it, we wanna vet it, we wanna do all this kind of stuff so that we can tell people and show people like
[00:53:11] Dr Mike T Nelson: this is really what it is. Yeah. And so for any graduate or PhD students listening, it would be, yes, I don’t wanna say an easy experiment to run, but out of all things you could do for a dissertation, it would be on the easier side because it’s in a supplemental form.
You can buy it off of the shelf. You have traceability. So if anyone’s listening, I think that would be super interesting to to run.
[00:53:38] Daniel Spencer: Absolutely. Come on out to the lake. Honestly, if anybody’s really interested in doing some studies on it, come on out to the lake. We’ll give you the cook store, show you about it.
You get fully connected to it and you can Yeah, I’d love to have you for sure.
[00:53:51] Dr Mike T Nelson: Yeah. And is it mostly in a powder? Do you have it in capsules or is capsules just probably not that useful because of the volume?
[00:53:58] Daniel Spencer: Oh no, we have it in all delivery systems. So we have it. Yeah, so basically all we’re, there’s no processing to it.
Literally we harvest the algae and then we dry it and it’s that fine powder. Which, yeah, it’s
[00:54:09] Dr Mike T Nelson: very fine. It’s super, super dark green too. Like you look at the color, like some of the Japanese green teas. I just sit there. Stare at the color. I’m like, oh, it’s so bright green.
[00:54:19] Daniel Spencer: Yeah. Yeah.
And then it’s amazing too, when you put it into the light, you can see the different spectrums of the light as well. So yeah, so it isn’t powder, but we also have it in capsules and we have it in tablets. And the tablets are nice if you are, like for instance, if you’re backpacking or you’re already traveling, you don’t want to bring powder with you.
So you can just take the tablets and it’s an easy way to dose and keep your nutrients up. Cause when I was backpacking before, that’s the one thing I was craving was viant. There’s like fresh food, you can only have so many MREs before you’re like, ah, I just want something fresh.
And so by taking our product every day, you’re getting your body the, a fresh nutrient to power it. But I, so as far as like physical performance I’ve noticed an increased energy to be able to just do the things I want to do longer. Chip has noticed the same thing. So Chip has a really good video.
I highly recommend you watch it. And Chip, as he’s a no bullshit kind of guy. He’s basically, he’s if it doesn’t, he doesn’t do supplements, but then he is I’ll just try your stuff. And then he is I actually have more energy to do the things I wanna do a lot longer. And I’m more motivated to wanna do those things longer.
That’s cool. Lemme just keep going. And so now he is really he takes it every day and he’s a big believer in it. But for me, in my performance I did a, I was doing a breath holding training. This was back in June with with Iwan, the Corps from Venet. Okay, sure. And just so happened I was living in Mexico and he was out there doing this retreat.
And he asked me to film it. And so I was filming it, filming the contestants. And prior to that I was doing some own my own training, some free diving training on my own. And every night at sunset, I would go swim in the ocean and just with my fins and swim as far as I could on holding my breath.
And so I, I was there at this event and everybody’s doing the breathing. I missed a couple days and I showed up and we did two breath sessions. And then the last day, everybody’s gonna test their max breath hold. And so everybody’s been breathing and they’re like, they got five minutes.
And I was like, wow, that’s really good. Wow. That’s really good. After not, yeah, I know. After not really practicing, but just doing a week of breath training in Irvine, creating an environment. That’s very nurturing down was a big part of it and allowing people to be in control of their body. So I did just under five minutes my first time and I was like, whoa, I could have gone longer.
And then he’s does anybody else wanna go longer? I’m like, yeah, I wanna go again. And so I was like, I can get five minutes. And then so I did it again and I was able to get to six minutes. Wow. Six seconds. Yeah. Yeah, so that, and then literally, I was just trying to think about why, what happened, but I think a lot of it happened was I’ve been taking the algae for so long, so it’s absorbing carbon dioxide and creating oxygen in my body to be able to give my cells more oxygen.
So I’m able to handle that environment a lot more comfortably, which is the same thing as it’s doing it for in the planet as well. And so yeah, physical performance has been a big one for sure. It’s basically, it’s cuz the chlorophyll as cleanses the blood and increases oxygen for the body to absorb.
And another thing too about the product is you don’t wanna just take it and sell on the couch and eat bon bons. It’s not gonna work as efficiently as if you take it and you go outside and move your body. Cuz now you’re moving your body, the lymphs moving around and so now you’re actually able to get those nutrients moving throughout your body.
And it’s amazing at a lymph detoxification. I think a big thing about health right now is people’s lymphs very stagnant. I think we can agree on that. And and that causes, basically it’s like clog sewer system, that’s never a good thing and you’ve evenly just clogged up or you just don’t have the energy to do the things because your body doesn’t, is not able to create the energy.
And so since it has the highest amount of chlorophyl, it’s really good at cleansing the lymphatic system as well. So if you were to if you were to take our product and then go jump on the trampoline, now your body’s getting a lot of movement and activation.
[00:58:07] Dr Mike T Nelson: Yeah. And it was very interesting what you said about chip’s performance, cuz I know he tracks his performance, not in a formal sense, but he is also very aware of his body and movement and what impacts it and what doesn’t.
And so he is obviously the guy who put us in touch, but if it wasn’t a referral from him and him saying, yeah, I’ve used this. I think it’s super interesting. I, we wouldn’t be having this conversation cause I turned down probably. 99% of people who contact me about wacky supplements that I don’t know, don’t understand, can’t really vet that well.
So yeah, so I did. It’s interesting of like single source items that have been used throughout history, I think is a good starting point to look to see, what benefits, could they have, and also in terms of downside, toxicity, that type of thing. Do they, they come from a clean area, is there stuff in there that you don’t want in there?
It’s easier to vet all of those things compared to. Some of their supplements were, just trying to get information on their qc, their quality control, or even just a, a c away from them is almost like impossible also.
[00:59:25] Daniel Spencer: We, we have all that information. We in 25 years we haven’t had a positive test, which is a good thing.
And so we test it every time before we harvest it. We test it in the morning, we go out and scout it out, and then we har we test it during the scout and then we test it before we harvest it. We make sure that the water temperature is the right temperature cuz it gets too hot.
Then the other species of algae can compete. And then we test it at a third party lab before it’ll be dry it. So you’re getting a tested three times before it’s even, before you’re bringing it to your body. And that’s, we just wanna make sure that you’re getting the very best product available for you.
And then we’re a hundred percent committed to that.
[01:00:00] Dr Mike T Nelson: Yeah. And that’s shocking. One of the things the supplement company is, a lot of ’em don’t do very well, is. You would assume that what’s on the label is in the thing. And then you would also assume there’s not a bunch of other nasty stuff you don’t want.
And again, there’s some companies who do a very good job of that. Eh, some companies, eh, they worry me.
[01:00:20] Daniel Spencer: Yeah. Yeah. It’s, and everybody can, it’s crazy nowadays with the e-commerce is you can literally buy products on the website. You have no idea where it comes from. You have no idea the source of it.
And you could call somebody else. They’ll put in a bottle for you. You can get somebody to design a label for you before you know it. You have a supplement product and supplement brand. Oh yeah. But you have no idea what’s in it. Yeah. So we’re. We’re basically, we’re a hundred percent connected to it.
Our plan is to actually go to Tibet with our mycologist and film him and talk to him and see where the cor goes. We wanna, all of our products, we want to, visit, go around the world and share their stories. And algae, we wanna do documentary on it. We want to share and bring awareness of algae because of its potential to to help the environment out in so many other ways.
It has the potential to help us reduce our plastic consumption. And it has, they’re making surfboards outta algae. They’re actually our companies are committed to sustainability. We actually use ink from algae. So there’s a company called Living Ink, and they take the ink from algae, the pigments from the algae, and they turn into an ink.
So now we’re not using petroleum. So that’s the kind of commitment we have to our company as far as what we’re doing. And so for our customers,
[01:01:32] Dr Mike T Nelson: That’s great. And where can people find more information about you? What’s the website and what’s the info?
[01:01:37] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, so the company is Sal Luz, s a l u z.io.
And it’s a made up word, but it means it’s two things. So in Latin, Salud means health and Luz is light. So when you combine the two words, it means light of health. So every time you’re bringing the product into your body, you’re bringing the light of health into your body. Very cool. Yeah, so saluz.io is the website and then we’re on the socials Instagram, salus.io, Facebook salus.io.
And we’re all about educating and not entertaining. We really wanna educate people andshare healing stories. Our main focus is to share healing stories of people that are getting benefits from our products. So they have the energy to really do the thing that they really love to do, find their passion and do the thing whether it be basket weaving or going out and doing beach cleanups or whatever it may be, starting their own company.
We wanna be able to nurse their bodies so then they can, do what they really want to do and share the hearing stories. And we have some really good healing stories already on our site. And that’s what we’d love to do is, tell stories.
[01:02:40] Dr Mike T Nelson: Awesome. Thank you so much for all your time and all the information and all the very cool stuff you’re doing there.
I really appreciate it.
[01:02:48] Daniel Spencer: Yeah, thanks so much.
[01:02:51] Dr Mike T Nelson: Thank you so much for listening to the podcast today. Thank you so much to Daniel for coming on here and sharing everything with us. Really appreciate all of his time. Also thanks to my buddy Chip for the introduction to him, which was great. So yeah, I would encourage you to check out his products, check out all the information they have there, which is really great.
As I mentioned at the start of the podcast, you can use the discount code at checkout Dr. Mike, which is D R M I K E, and that will save you 20%. That is actually not an affiliate link, so I don’t make any money off of it. But just wanted you to be able to check out the product at the lowest price, and I would love any feedback.
Drop me an email, let me know what you think. And this podcast is brought to you by the Flex Diet Certification. Flex Diet certification will open again to June 5th, 2023 until June the 12th, 2023. You want a complete system of how to do nutrition and recovery coaching, or you just want to use it for yourself this is the perfect system for you.
And if you have any questions as you go through it, you’ll get my private email and you can just email me questions and I will answer you. So we cover everything on the theory using metabolic flexibility and flexible dieting. We’ve got lectures on the intricate details of everything from the aid interventions.
Such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, neat exercise, sleep, and much more. And then you also have five explicit action items, so you’ll know exactly what to do with all the information. So at the end you’ll have the overarching theory, so you’ll understand the context, you’ll know the details of each intervention, and you’ll have the exact action items so you’ll know exactly what to do.
And when to do it, and if you still get stuck, which does happen, other questions come up that we can’t possibly cover in the 28 hours of a certification. You can just email me. So I’ll give you my private email. You can ask any questions related to the certification. So go over to flexdiet.com, FL E X D I E T .com for all of the information there.
Thank you so much for listening and talk to you next week.
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