Now, more than ever is the perfect time to be a robust, butt-kicking human by using metabolic flexibility and intermittent fasting.

Be harder to kill than a cockroach.

This applies to your life, including nutrition.

Check out my full talk here on

“Survive to Thrive with Metabolic Flexibility and Intermittent Fasting” as part of the Robust Human Summit.

Want to learn even more for FREE?

Go to the link below for the Robust Human Summit.

> ROBUST HUMAN SUMMIT << get access

Robust human summit lineup metabolic flexibility

Robust human summit lineup

We are facing unprecedented challenges with no end in sight. Becoming a more robust human for yourself and your tribe is more important now than ever before in our lifetime. This starts with fitness and goes much further, including breathing, movement and communication to name a few.

Resiliency (the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change) is at an all-time low, so motivated individuals like yourself are being called to step up and be better humans.

I want you to be even better.

And it is totally F.R.E.E.



The only “catch” is that you have to use your email address to access it.

Yours-truly nerd did 2 talks for the summit. One on metabolic flexibility for survival nutrition and another one on sleep. Jodie makes an appearance too.

The line up is stellar and includes legit special force operators (I can vouch for them personally), human performance experts, and many more. See for yourself!

Go HERE to get in on all the robust goodness and earn butt-kicking human status.

As always, let me know what you think.

Rock on!

Dr Mike