Egg Whites vs Whole Egg
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text animation_duration="1" animation_delay="0"] Ever suffered through just plain egg whites? I will put my hand down now as I’ve done it many times. They are a great source or protein;
Metabolic Dead Zone
Just like being in Death Valley without any water, you don’t want to hang out in what I call the “metabolic dead zone.” What the heck is that you ask?
Metabolic Flexibility, Ketosis, Carb Use, and Performance Rant
Keep in mind that just because an advanced athlete has success with something does not mean you can run out and do it today. I love the concept of metabolic
Fresh Tissue Dissection Notes
Fresh Tissue Dissection Notes from Anatomy Trains 5 Day Course in AZ, Jan 2018 Note – these are my personal notes / observations. I did my best to attribute them
Why Static Stretching is Dumb
Yep, static stretching is dumb and sucks large moose balls, and I have not changed my mind on it. In fact, after 4 days of fresh tissue cadaver dissection
Be Your Own Hero
You can be THE hero of your life. Check out this super short video from Joe Rogan. I promise it will be worth just over 1 minute of your time.
No Genetics or Talent?
“I don't have talent. I have tenacity. I have discipline. I have focus. I know, without any delusion, where I come from & where I can go back to.” -
Not reaching your goals? GOOD
Good? How the heck is that a good thing? Watch the short video from Jocko below: **From If you did not reach your fitness goals in 2017…good. Now
Huge Core Concept
I’ve been cranking out content each week for the Flex Diet Cert going into week 6 now. Each week has involved 3 videos: 1) Big Picture of Met Flex +
Whole eggs vs egg whites for Muscle Growth
Ever suffered through just plain egg whites? I will put my hand down now as I've done it many times. They are a great source or protein; however, they are
Bioenergetics – Fuel Use and Metabolic Flexibility
Here is a short video on how your body uses the two main fuels - fat and carbs via bioenergetics. If you enjoyed this one, come to my talk or
Female Client Suzie Goes from 0 to Hero on Pull-ups
Huge congrats to my online 1-1 client Suzie for going from 0 pull-ups to 2 nice looking ones here in the before and after video. She worked hard to achieve
Metabolic Flexibility: A Resilience Test
Day 2 of the Fitness Summit is about to kick off in couple hours, and I wanted to get you a note before I wander down to get my re-heated,
How Much Protein? (4 Steps)
I am up early to crank out some projects, and then I am off to the airport for the ultra nerd-herder Experimental Biology conference in Chicago. The good thing is
3 Ways to Train When Traveling
Yesterday, I was yammering on about training in non-ideal situation and sleeping on the floor for 2 days. The biggest area that I hear about crappy conditions from clients /
Barbell Shrugged Podcast w/ Dr. Mike T Nelson
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=""][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text animation_duration="1" animation_delay="0"]*From Barbell Shrugged Pocasts' Website Got a real treat for you today. This week we sit down with Dr. Mike T. Nelson to discuss nutrition and specifically how
*From De Novo Nutrition website According to the Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board (1997): “On average, >60% of US men and women aged ≥ 20 years old consume
Can You Only Use 30 grams of Protein at One Time?
Tasty Protein! The myth that you can only use 30 grams of protein at once does not seem to die easily. Despite multiple shots to the head, it's like a