New Research: The Effects of Long-Term Collagen Supplementation on Training Recovery
Picture this – you're out there, pushing your body to the limits, and the aftermath leaves you feeling like you've been through the wringer. Well, here's some groundbreaking news.
Solving the Protein Puzzle: Decoding Protein Needs During Your Fat Loss Journey
In the twisted labyrinth of physique alchemy, where the quest for muscle and strength mirrors a never-ending odyssey, chronic studies with dietary protein emerge as the sacred scrolls of
Plant vs Meat Meals – What is Better For More Muscle?
The nerds are back at it in the lab looking a the difference this time in a cool study (1) from Dr Luke van Loon’s lab where they compared
How To Increase Your Recovery and HRV Score Via My 2 Phased Approach
Here is the video on how to increase your recovery / heart rate variability (HRV) score. If you enjoyed this, you will love the full 8 module HRV
Lift Weights Like Will Ramos Slays Vocals
As you know, not only I am a lover to black coffee, dark beer, lifting odd objects, kiteboarding and reading research for fun, I am a huge metal music
2 Huge Fitness Tactics
I was super stoked to see the industrial band Skinny Puppy while I was in Denver. Wow! What an amazing live show! The performance was on point from the theatrics
Sippin’ and Synthesizin’: Barflies and Protein Pioneers
It has been an absolute whirlwind of madness around these parts with all the crazy-a$$ traveling, but I freaking love it. Most days I have to pinch myself to
Does what you eat affect what you burn? (New research)
Hola! from South Padre TX where I scored an epic sunset kiteboarding session last night and the wonderful wifey Jodie was up riding for a long way on the
3 Lifting and life lessons from Bud Grant (RIP)
Long time coach of the MN Vikings, Bud Grant recently passed away. He was 95 years old. I grew up watching him coach outside in the frigid Minna-snow-da winters.
Got Cheese? New research on muscle growth
I'm excited to share with you the results of a recent study (1) published in the Journal of Nutrition. The study aimed to investigate the effects of cheese ingestion
Antibiotics and Aerobic Capacity
Every good scientific experiment starts with a question. Such as, “Does Joannie love Chachi?”. Followed by stating a hypothesis. My hypothesis states that “Joannie does, in fact, love Chachi.”
Optimal Conditions = the Death of Progress
Greetings from rainy, cold (well, it is 53 degrees now) which would be a heatwave if I was in Minnesota . . . overcast, and did I mention pelting
HRV, Stress, Strength: Dr. Mike T Nelson for the 2019 Granite Games Summit
Tune in to hear my 2019 Granite Games Summit on Recovery: Aspects of Sleep and HRV. Learn more about: [5:57] Stimulus and response [8:27] Stress
The Great Keto Con
Two of the most common nutrition questions I get are: 1) “Should I do a keto diet?” and 2) “Are ketones useful?” I think The Great Ketones can be
The Real High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Mad GainZ
Here is an overlooked system to train for increased recovery ability and to be more robust. The first system was temperature and the second system is pH. Your body
Ask Me Anything
Here is your place to submit your questions to Dr. Mike about anything - from metabolism to metal music to performance. He will pull from these questions and answer
How To Build More Muscle: The Battle of EAAs vs BCAAs
Poke around the internet and it gets confusing in the land of supplements Here is a question I got the other day. “Hey doc, I heard that BCAAs are
Massive Distress
I want to discuss the rare times where prolonged distress may be useful. As discussed yesterday, I like a mainly eustress model for nutrition, training, and even recovery items