Testing Fitness in La Ventana, Mexico
As you know, I’m a huge kiteboaring fan. In January of 2019, I hit up La Ventana, Mexico (Baja) hoping to kiteboard. I got in 2.5 days only out of
The Effect Of Cannabis and CBD on Exercise Performance and Recovery
One of the main questions I’ve been getting a ton recently right after “should I go keto?” is: What is the effect of cannabis or CBD on exercise performance and
Dr. Ruscio Radio: Carbs vs. Keto Debate with Dr. Eric Westman and Dr. Mike Nelson
*From drruscio.com A carbs vs. keto debate with 2 doctors and moderated by Dr. Ruscio. This friendly debate is brought to you by Dr. Ruscio Radio. Dr. Ruscio invited Dr.
Anti-Aging / Longevity Will Be The Next Keto
“Anti-aging / longevity will be the next Keto. It is coming and it will happen. “ That was my claim on the ole Flakebook the other day, and I stand
Light My Balls On Fire and Testing Fitness Assumptions
Greetings from S Padre TX in April 2019, where the wonderful wifey and I are hanging out with friends and getting in as many kiteboard sessions as we can (pre
Stats vs The Real World: The Tale of Green Tea and Burning Fat
Green-matcha A brand new study just came out showing that green tea burns more fat! Sweet! That sounds epic. And it was even statistically significant. Oh my, I am
Cannabis and Exercise Performance
Image credit: Outlook - Releaf Does cannabis (aka weed, marijuana, ganja, you get the idea), increase exercise performance? This was a question that was proposed to me by a
Distress Training
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text animation_duration="1" animation_delay="0"]Two weekends ago I presented at the NSCA Annual Personal Trainer Conference in Baltimore. Three hours after I landed, I was in the gym training without food for
Why a Ketogenic Diet Does NOT Increase Metabolic Flexibility
Despite what you may have heard on the ole interwebs, a ketogenic diet (very high fat, very low carbs) is NOT the best way to increase metabolic flexibility (the ability
Barbell Shrugged – Metabolic Flexibility and Micronutrients w Dr. Mike T Nelson – 336
*From shruggedcollective.com I am super stoked that this podcast with my good friends at Barbell Shrugged it out now! Check out the video below or listen via your favorite podcast
My new high protein favorite snack: Meat SNX
One of the great things about my “job” is that get all sorts of stuff in the mail to test out. Sadly, much of it goes into file 36 –
Rising Stress Levels and 3 Solutions – from the Flo Retreat Center in the Jungles of Uvita, Costa Rica
One of the big things I noticed since coming back from teaching in Chicago after spending over 2 weeks in the jungle in Costa Rica was my rising stress levels.
Motivation Monday: Henry Rollins – Fitness and Life Advice
Henry Rollins live in concert Need some motivation to hit the gym today? I gotta covered with a great video from Henry Rollins. I’ve been a massive fan
HSP+ mTOR1 + VRD = How To Train Outside While Traveling
I am on the road again for 25 days out of this month traveling to South Dakota, Bozeman, MT then Hood River OR - with a flight in between from
Does Adding a Carbohydrate “Cheat Day” To My Diet Enhance Metabolism and Results?
Below is a super short 1-minute video from some brand-new data that was just presented at the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Annual meeting from Dr. Bill Campbell. I
Poptart Proof
Stop me if you have heard this one before…. ….at the gym, Bob starts talking to you about this great new keto diet he is doing. “Yeah bro, it is
5 Fitness Lessons I Learned from Kiteboarding on a Surfboard
In April of this year, I spent the 2 days attempting (with some success) to use a strapless surfboard while kiteboarding instead of my normal board. This begs the question
Why Failing is GOOD
The word “failure” has a bad rap. Not rap, as in, the latest tune on the radio – which all seem to horrible as I much prefer the ‘old skool’