Metabolic Confusion
Yes, that is the name of the latest nutrition fad ( metabolic confusion just in case you missed it) as it appears. Did someone raise Joe Weider from the dead
Make Mad Gainz With Physiologic Flexibility
Normally when the term “recovery” comes up, you think about sleep, proper nutrition, maybe even some light movement to get the old blood moving. Those are all great and essential but what else can
Professor Heather MacDonald, Egghead Meathead on Iron Radio Episode 604
*from Join a discussion with university professor, strongwoman competitor, and Highland Games athlete Heather MacDonald! Topics range from being an elite or pro-female in these sports to post-college strength
The SINGLE Intervention to GainZ? (hint – it is green)
As you know, the wonderful wifey Jodie and I recently spent 5 weeks in S. Padre TX kiteboarding (when there was wind), working, and hanging out in the warm weather.
Physiologic Reserve, Nasal Breathing, Stress, and more
Today I have a special treat for you. Recently I did the Rebel Performance podcast hosted by my buddy James Cerbie. On the podcast I was joined by the one
Meat Meat Meat – Iron Radio Episode 603
This week on Iron radio, Dr. Lonnie, Phil, and I chatted about health science news on vitamin D and then all things MEAT! >> Meat Meat and More Meat << Listen in!
Keto, Head Trauma, Fasting, and Salty Water
This past week I've been up to my eye-holes in more PubMed studies than you could shake a mask at. I was creating a 160 + slide PowerPoint for the
Episode 603 IronRadio – Meeeaaaats
Health science news on vitamin D and on safer meat cookery leads to a discussion on all things carnivorous. Join Tyrannosaur Phil Stevens, Lonnie Lowery, and Mike T Nelson for
Episode 602 IronRadio Muscle Publications What to Look For
After some discussion on salt taxes and prescription vegetables, the intrepid trio again reflects on the evolution of muscle magazines and powerlifting publications, including what to look for. Also, sincere
#1 Turkey Day Lesson (and why people are pissed)
Each year on this day, I send out an email with a similar theme about the Holidays. And each year I get a handful of replies from people that are
My #1 Fitness Tip For The Days You Aren’t Feeling It – Finish It
As I'm writing this, my wonderful wifey Jodie is driving as we will be back at home tonight for the first time in about 6 weeks. As you may know,
Why Getting Cold This Winter Is A Good Idea on the Wise Traditions Podcast
We are often insulated from our environment. In the winter, we warm our homes. In the summer, we cool them. But we may be unintentionally harming our health by not
Let’s Get Nerdy – HRV via Oura Ring
Greetings from my last night here in S. Padre TX as we start to drive home over several days tomorrow. Today, I wanted to share with you a question I
Episode 601 IronRadio Work Exhaustion vs Training
Today's health science news covers a new strength and conditioning book, body characteristics of elite strongmen, and problems with omega-6 vegetable oils. Then the guys address how they handle stressed
Can You Hyper-Oxygenate Muscles Through Breathing?
My first “formal” experience with Wim Hoff breathing was many years ago via a good friend telling me to investigate it. This was before anyone really knew who Wim was
Episode 600 IronRadio: Then and Now
It's episode 600! After covering a backlog of mail, reviews, and news, the intrepid triumvirate look back at how the show has changed over the years. Science topics include strength
True HIIT Training
This week, we have been chatting about the second system to train for increased recovery ability and to be more robust. The first system was temperature and the second system
Physiologic Flexibiilty Cert – FAQ
The Physiologic Flexibility Cert – How to maximize recovery techniques for better stress resilience -- goes live this coming Tuesday! I've had several questions on it and wanted to answer