Stack the deck in your favor…
Greetings from the early AM hours on a Saturday here in Minnesota where I am going behind the cheddar curtain to Wisconsin for the Reflexive Performance Rest (RPR) Level 2
Mouth vs Nasal Breathing
Nasal breathing is all the rage now, and for good reason. But like all things, just adding it is not the best idea. You want to have an assessment and
Flex Diet Podcast: S2 Ep 11 How To Improve Your Breathing – an Interview with Rob Wilson from Shift Adapt
Dr. Mike T Nelson and Rob Wilson from talk about breathing, CO2 vs. Oxygen, nasal breathing, good places to start, anti-fragility, mental resilience, and kiteboarding ) Dr. Mike’s all-time
My #1 Travel Hack
Before the pandemic, the wonderful wifey and I traveled a lot. So much so that I get to test out all sorts of travel "hacks". Lucky for you, through lots
My Mistake With This Missing Nutrient
You may be thinking this is another rant on magnesium, which would be a great guess, but it is not. In fact, it is even more simple than magnesium for
The Protein Myth
I know, I know; you are not reading this article to hear some nerd yammer on again about how protein is important. At this point the protein myth that too
Eustress vs. Distress Psychology
I am not a psych professional, but as a coach/trainer for more than 16 years now, I’ve had to pick up a bunch of it along the way due to
Cold water post lifting – Why I did it wrong
Today after my upper body lifting session of axle bench press, trap bar deadlifts and some accessory rows with mechanical drop sets, pressdowns, axle curls, cable rows with the rolling
Dark Beer, Saunas, and Contrast Therapy …in the name of gainZ
One of the comments I got from the BEER-HIIT study article I referenced about beer consumption around training was: nonsense since “everybody knows” that anyone who is serious about their
Alcohol and your GainZ – The BEER-HIIT study
The BEER-HIIT study seeks to answer a common question from my private M3 1-1 online clients (and one I've wondered about myself). “Does alcohol affect my gainZ and body comp?”
HRV as a Tool to Measure the Long-Term Cost of Training
Are you training harder at the cost of your health and overall energy level? Yes, you will have days where it's harder to get to the gym and pick stuff
One-size-fits-all nutrition?
We all know a one-size-fits-all nutrition approach almost never works. I am always amazed at how we are all very similar yet different. Everyone operates on many of the same
The Trifecta of Recovery – Can you guess it?
You know that you need to train in order to get dem' gainZ, but what then? Boring big basics here are best for recovery. Yawn... ...before you tune out, I
Is Grip Strength Be Your Missing Component? Plus 4 Methods To Strengthen It
Want the key to a missing component in your training? Get a stronger grip. You can't lift it if you can't hold on to it. I'm fortunate that my good
Internal vs. External Cues for Muscle Performance
Earlier this year, I flew to Australia to teach Reflexive Performance Reset (RPR) Levels 1 and 2. Both days were epic! One of the concepts of RPR is to look
Discipline; Do the Work – Keep Moving Forward
Discipline is to punch the clock by lifting the weights with violent consistency. Day in; day out. Some days will be easy. Some days will be hard and suck huge
Flex Diet Cert Testimonial
You may have heard me ramble on and on about the Flex Diet Certification and how it can take your coaching to the next level. Don't just take my biased
Time-Restricted Eating – new research
Ten years ago if you had told me I would have some clients use fasting or time-restricted eating (TRE) as a method to get better body composition and that it