
Episode 605 IronRadio Carb Connections, Christmas

*from www.ironradio.org Ever heard of dietary advanced glycation end products (AGEs)? Depending partly on your blood sugar levels and sex, they're yet another dietary concern linked to poor carb handling, body fat, cognitive decline, and even cartilage damage in the spine. Tune in for a list of high-AGE foods with tips on which are best

2020-12-21T17:51:05+00:00December 21st, 2020|Podcasts|0 Comments

Professor Heather MacDonald, Egghead Meathead on Iron Radio Episode 604

*from www.ironradio.org Join a discussion with university professor, strongwoman competitor, and Highland Games athlete Heather MacDonald! Topics range from being an elite or pro-female in these sports to post-college strength training for competition, to work-life balance, especially in academia. Also, sincere thanks to strong monthly supporters like Joseph, Michael, Cale, and Korey. You are appreciated!

2020-12-17T17:06:00+00:00December 17th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 603 IronRadio – Meeeaaaats

Health science news on vitamin D and on safer meat cookery leads to a discussion on all things carnivorous. Join Tyrannosaur Phil Stevens, Lonnie Lowery, and Mike T Nelson for their favorite types of meat, recipes, cooking skills, nutrients, tips, and tons more. https://youtu.be/CkWlAMtN6t4 Audio only . . . http://www.ironradio.org/Audio/603IronRadio_MEAT.mp3 Enjoy! Dr Mike miketnelson.com

2020-12-07T22:33:59+00:00December 7th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 602 IronRadio Muscle Publications What to Look For

After some discussion on salt taxes and prescription vegetables, the intrepid trio again reflects on the evolution of muscle magazines and powerlifting publications, including what to look for. Also, sincere thanks to strong monthly supporters like Kurt, Jill, Steven, Marek, and Prasan. You are appreciated! Finally, check out http://www.IronRadio.org to participate in the Fall Funds

2020-11-30T18:08:04+00:00November 30th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Why Getting Cold This Winter Is A Good Idea on the Wise Traditions Podcast

We are often insulated from our environment. In the winter, we warm our homes. In the summer, we cool them. But we may be unintentionally harming our health by not challenging our bodies to deal with the ambient temperature. A panel of experts today explains how we can benefit from cold therapy, offering practical first

2020-11-26T16:15:26+00:00November 26th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 601 IronRadio Work Exhaustion vs Training

Today's health science news covers a new strength and conditioning book, body characteristics of elite strongmen, and problems with omega-6 vegetable oils. Then the guys address how they handle stressed and exhausted clients who need to perform in the gym. Also, sincere thanks to Fall Funds Drive contributor Fred, as well as strong monthly supporters

2020-11-23T17:42:31+00:00November 23rd, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 600 IronRadio: Then and Now

It's episode 600! After covering a backlog of mail, reviews, and news, the intrepid triumvirate look back at how the show has changed over the years. Science topics include strength maintenance whilst dieting, nuts and weight gain, keto supplements, and problems with excessive fructose intake. After the mid-show break, a retrospective covers competitive and ideological

2020-11-19T19:01:01+00:00November 19th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 597-Iron Radio Stephanie Stepp Path to CrossFit

*from www.ironradio.org After sharing some science news on how to prevent muscle loss during deconditioning (hint: fish oils may help!), the guys chat with exercise physiology grad and CrossFit enthusiast, Stephanie Stepp. Tune in for topics like what attracted an educated woman into that world, staying competitive post-college, and tons more. Come on in! http://www.IronRadio.org

2023-04-14T11:28:38+00:00October 27th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts, Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Science Based Guide to Met Flex on NBT podcast

Huge thanks to my friend, Chris Kelly, who asked me to be a guest on the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast. It's an honor to be asked back to chat about nerdy science. >>NBT podcast: A Science-Based Guide to Met Flex<< Listen in! And nerdy science it is . . . Here is what we discussed: [00:05:10]

2021-02-05T16:46:26+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Iron Radio Episode: Welcome to the Gun Show

Huge thank you to everyone who enrolled in this round of the Flex Diet Cert! Wahooo! Super stoked for all of you and I am excited to help you out with the material. In addition to yours truly nerdy having an epic 28+ miles of kiteboarding here in Minnesota this past weekend, I have a

2021-02-05T16:46:33+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments
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