Monthly Archives: June 2018

Does Adding a Carbohydrate “Cheat Day” To My Diet Enhance Metabolism and Results?

Below is a super short 1-minute video from some brand-new data that was just presented at the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Annual meeting from Dr. Bill Campbell. I visited Dr. Campbell’s lab in May and got to hear about this data and chat with him there. They worked to answer the question:

2021-02-05T16:41:37+00:00June 30th, 2018|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Poptart Proof

Stop me if you have heard this one before…. ….at the gym, Bob starts talking to you about this great new keto diet he is doing. “Yeah bro, it is SICK! I can eat as much fat as I want and some protein. I am destroying pounds of bacon, sirloin, whole eggs and coconut oil

2020-05-24T21:10:01+00:00June 29th, 2018|Articles|0 Comments

5 Fitness Lessons I Learned from Kiteboarding on a Surfboard

In April of this year, I spent the 2 days attempting (with some success) to use a strapless surfboard while kiteboarding instead of my normal board. This begs the question – why on earth would I do such a thing? And what the hell does it have to do with your fitness goals of better

2021-02-05T16:41:37+00:00June 26th, 2018|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Episode 473 IronRadio – Guest, Adam Glass talks Perspectives on Intensity

*from In an extra long episode, I get to interview my buddy, Adam T. Glass:  former combat veteran, grip competitor, and strongman. The Topic of the Day is intensity and there are many questions answered: what it is how it is misunderstood how it changes training frequency what its implications are for body

2021-02-05T16:35:54+00:00June 10th, 2018|Guest podcasts|0 Comments
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