Monthly Archives: August 2022

Episode 165: Health, Sports Performance and Longevity Medicine: Dr Rick Cohen with Dr. Mike T Nelson

On today's episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I'm talking with Dr. Rick Cohen, a leading expert in the fields of nutrition, sports performance, and longevity medicine. We talk about the health aspects related to longevity, regenerative medicine, and how to

2022-08-30T17:19:52+00:00August 30th, 2022|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Episode 164: How to use diagnostic testing to improve your metabolic health: An Interview with Sam Miller

Today on the Flex Diet Podcast, I'm interviewing Sam Miller of Sam Miller Science about diagnostic testing for optimal health. We take a deep dive into blood work, calorie tracking, body weight measurements, and much more. Episode Notes Sam's background Metabolic

2022-08-23T16:22:55+00:00August 22nd, 2022|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

How To Build More Muscle: The Battle of EAAs vs BCAAs

Poke around the internet and it gets confusing in the land of supplements Here is a question I got the other day. “Hey doc, I heard that BCAAs are not useful at all for adding muscle. Is this true? Thanks." - Mark If you are old like me, you remember back to the stone

2022-09-30T13:00:15+00:00August 21st, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

Cold Water vs. GainZ and Aerobic Work

Ah, home sweet home! In a bit, two former M3 online clients will be here for a fun day of learning, lifting, assessments, and much more. Wahoo! One of the “fun things” we will do is cold water immersion (CWI) in the sealed chest freezer in the Extreme Human Performance Center filled with 47

2022-08-20T16:55:27+00:00August 17th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

Episode 163: Paul “the Iron Intern” Buono Interviews Dr Mike T Nelson About Cardio, Programming and Autoimmune Athletes

Today, on the podcast, I've got Paul, the iron intern. He's turning the tables and asking me questions about cardiovascular training, specifically how you can get better at it (make it suck less). Episode Notes" Intro to Paul "the iron intern"

2022-08-23T16:29:23+00:00August 17th, 2022|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Conquer Athlete Podcast with Dr. Mike T Nelson

I had a great time jumping down the nerd chute with Jason Leydon on the Conquer Athlete Podcast this week! Check out my interview, as we talking all about cold water immersion, psychedelics and testosterone. We discuss: What a typical day looks like for me My thoughts on cold water immersion: how

2022-08-14T14:39:10+00:00August 10th, 2022|Guest podcasts, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 162: Aaron Rodgers ayahuasca retreat, performance, and research – a solocast by Dr Mike T Nelson

In today's episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I discuss some of the pros and cons of psychedelics because I think it's becoming more and more in the popular media itself, especially with Aaron Rogers' recent media interview talking about them. Disclaimer:

2022-08-10T15:07:12+00:00August 10th, 2022|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments
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