How To Build More Muscle: The Battle of EAAs vs BCAAs

Poke around the internet and it gets confusing in the land of supplements Here is a question I got the other day. “Hey doc, I heard that BCAAs are not useful at all for adding muscle. Is this true? Thanks." - Mark If you are old like me, you remember back to the stone

2022-09-30T13:00:15+00:00August 21st, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

Episode 576 Iron Radio – News on Nutrition & Training

*from www.ironradio.org Listener mail and sports nutrition science news are again building up. Stay abreast! Topics include: chicken vs. beef protein for muscle gain how to take or not take branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) considerations if checking your blood glucose daily weight fluctuations epigenetic changes after lifting evidence-based benefits of fish oils for athletes

2021-02-05T16:32:20+00:00May 31st, 2020|Guest podcasts|0 Comments
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