
How To Build More Muscle: The Battle of EAAs vs BCAAs

Poke around the internet and it gets confusing in the land of supplements Here is a question I got the other day. “Hey doc, I heard that BCAAs are not useful at all for adding muscle. Is this true? Thanks." - Mark If you are old like me, you remember back to the stone

2022-09-30T13:00:15+00:00August 21st, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

Cold Water vs. GainZ and Aerobic Work

Ah, home sweet home! In a bit, two former M3 online clients will be here for a fun day of learning, lifting, assessments, and much more. Wahoo! One of the “fun things” we will do is cold water immersion (CWI) in the sealed chest freezer in the Extreme Human Performance Center filled with 47

2022-08-20T16:55:27+00:00August 17th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

The Bleeding Edge – Qualia Senolytic

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Poke around the ole interwebZ, and you will find no shortage of hacks and easy ways to avoid the basics. Newsflash Brosky – you can’t escape the basics. They're the foundations for better body comp, performance, and health. If you have the aerobic capacity of a propanol-ed possum, get thee to the rower or

2022-10-13T08:34:38+00:00July 19th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments


Want to make faster progress towards your goals of better performance, body comp, and more muscle? Me too! Want to know one of the main keys? Of course, shut up and tell me already. Here you go: “Fail forward as fast as possible.” Yep, fail. Not as in taking each and very rep to

2022-09-13T18:08:55+00:00July 15th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

How to Recover from an Injury in Record Time

I recently returned from the epic ISSN meeting, and it was back to “normal” (if anything I do is really “normal”) Monday. I was tired and after a bit more coffee than usual, I made it to the commercial gym where I do more upper body “bro work” on Mondays. I was dragging in

2022-12-13T09:36:33+00:00June 26th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

3 Step Process to Dominate Any Lift in the Gym

Steven Pressfield had a great short video the other day in response to the many questions he had received about how to write a book. Stay with me here, as this is related to lifting more weight. His answer was profound and simple instead of going off on some crazy technique or a 3-hour

2022-05-19T15:44:21+00:00May 19th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments
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