physical therapy

How to Recover from an Injury in Record Time

I recently returned from the epic ISSN meeting, and it was back to “normal” (if anything I do is really “normal”) Monday. I was tired and after a bit more coffee than usual, I made it to the commercial gym where I do more upper body “bro work” on Mondays. I was dragging in

2022-12-13T09:36:33+00:00June 26th, 2022|Articles|0 Comments

4 Reasons To Consume Raw Eggs For Recovery Post Training

I like to read books from the old time strongman and coaches. Many times they were years ahead at adding lean muscle and burning tons of body fat. One of them, Vince Gironda aka the Iron Guru himself, was a big fan of raw eggs. In his book Vince Gironda, The Legend and Myth, he

2022-08-24T18:30:28+00:00October 7th, 2012|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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