Flex Diet Podcast

Ep 25: Metabolic Flexibility and Energy Flux – Keys to Long-term Weight Loss Success

Once you’ve lost weight, how do you keep it off? How does Metabolic Flexibility fit into energy flux? We cover all of this in today’s episode.  Visit www.flexdiet.com. Finally, understand nutrition on a whole new level. The Flex Diet Certification only opens 4x a year. Get on the waitlist to get notified for the next

2020-12-16T15:40:00+00:00December 20th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 24: Why Walking More and More Will Not Help (Week’s Topic: Long Term Weight Loss)

If I all of a sudden just take up walking like a madman and walk all day, am I going to cover my exercise requirements? Will I get significantly leaner? The answer is… kind of. We cover the research and findings in today’s episode. Visit www.flexdiet.com. Finally, understand nutrition on a whole new level. The

2020-12-16T15:40:00+00:00December 19th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 23: Energy Flux Concept – Low vs High – Adherence (Week’s Topic: Long Term Weight Loss)

What is the #1 key to long term weight loss? Our argument is that its exercise and even more specifically is looking at the concept of energy flux. Can you pull more energy through the system? And based on the research… is that it’s going to be beneficial. How does this relate to exercise programming

2020-12-16T15:40:00+00:00December 18th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 22: The misunderstood role of muscle and calories burned (Week’s Topic: Long Term Weight Loss)

What are one of the misunderstood keys to long term weight loss? If you look at the statistics, most people are good at achieving short term weight loss but they’re horrible at maintaining it. In the fitness world, I see an over focus on calories - and yes while calories do matter - there are

2020-12-16T15:40:00+00:00December 17th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 21: Why Exercise and not just cut calories? (Week’s Topic: Long Term Weight Loss)

This week, we’re talking about a concept called g-flux. The first time I heard about this was from Dr. John Berardi in the early 2000s. G-Flux represents the relationship between the amount of energy you ingest through your diet and the amount of energy you burn through the sum total of your metabolic activity. With

2020-12-16T15:40:00+00:00December 16th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 20: Myth 5: Eating Too Much Protein Makes You Fat

Let’s just jump right into the last protein myth of the week. I’m going to cover some very interesting, massive, protein overfeeding studies where they’ve tracked the effects of consuming a high protein diet for body composition. Listen in for all of the details. Visit www.flexdiet.com. Finally, understand nutrition on a whole new level. The

2020-12-16T15:40:00+00:00December 13th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 19: Protein Myth 4: There is No Data That Says Athletes Need More Than the RDA for Protein

We’re covering another zombie myth of protein that just won’t die today. Now it appears that protein itself is considered a negative thing in some circles. Yikes. I was at the ancestral health society meeting this past August presenting - it was super fun. One of the presenters was doing a talk about how we

2020-12-16T15:40:01+00:00December 12th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 18: Protein Myth 3: As You Age, You Need Less Protein

One of my favorite shows on TV, other than Seinfeld which most of my students don’t even know existed… which is crazy, was MythBusters. Myth #3 is “as you age, you need less protein. This is false. From studies that we’ve seen, your protein needs actually go up as you age because of anabolic resistance.

2020-12-16T15:40:01+00:00December 11th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 17: Protein Myth 2: Too Much Protein Will Damage Your Kidneys

Too Much Protein Will Damage Your Kidneys? For the average healthy person listening in, this is not true. You need to understand the difference between “work” and “damage”. It is true that if you have more protein coming in, your kidneys will do more work but that’s not a bad thing. Listen in to learn

2020-12-16T15:40:01+00:00December 10th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Ep 16: Protein Myth 1: You Can Only Use 30 Grams of Protein per Meal

This week, we’re talking all about protein. If you’re into fitness, this is a topic I’m sure you have heard about before. But what I wanted to do today is give you a primer on why/how it’s important and for the rest of the week we’re going to talk about all of the protein “zombie”

2020-12-16T15:40:01+00:00December 9th, 2019|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments
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