
Episode 274: How Muscle Fibers Influence Metabolism: Insights from Nathan Serrano

Join me, Dr Mike T Nelson, on the Flex Diet Podcast for an interesting conversation with PhD candidate Nathan Serrano about his groundbreaking review study published in the American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology, and Metabolism. We explore the intricate ways muscle fiber types, specifically

2024-07-17T02:38:47+00:00July 17th, 2024|Flex Diet Podcast, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 261: Maximizing Athletic Potential Through Smart Carbohydrate Use with Dr Mike Molloy

Join me on the Flex Diet Podcast for a captivating discussion with Dr. Mike Malloy, where we unpack the significance of carbohydrates for elite athletes. Listen in as we debunk common myths about carbs being inherently fattening and instead highlight their crucial role in

2024-04-16T19:33:28+00:00April 16th, 2024|Flex Diet Podcast, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 258: Navigating Protein Nutrition: Aging, Sustainability, and Future Trends with Dr Paul Morgan

In this episode, we dive into the complex world of protein—its impact on aging, sustainability, and diet patterns. We break down the science behind protein's recommended daily allowance, explore the environmental footprint of different protein sources, and debate the merits of plant versus animal

2024-03-27T18:53:15+00:00March 27th, 2024|Flex Diet Podcast, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 249: Elevating Wellness through Movement and Nutritional Wisdom with Dr. Kelly and Juliet Starrett

Join me on the Flex Diet Podcast as I sit down with the esteemed Dr. Kelly and Juliet Starrett to uncover the pivotal connection between movement and metabolism. Together, we unravel the mystery of how daily, high-quality movement can revolutionize your

2024-02-05T02:51:09+00:00February 5th, 2024|Flex Diet Podcast, Podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 239: Exploring the Science Behind Dieting Strategies with Dr. Bill Campbell

On this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I welcome back Dr. Bill Campbell for a fascinating exploration of diet breaks and refeeds, focusing on their role in muscle hypertrophy, performance, and body composition. Drawing from his extensive research, Dr. Campbell

2023-11-28T21:37:15+00:00November 28th, 2023|Flex Diet Podcast|0 Comments

Better Health and Body Radio: How to Fix Your Metabolism

Episode Highlights: Learn how Dr. Mike T recommends testing your metabolism. How to have a flexible metabolism for better health, body comp. and performance. How to fix your metabolism. Learn insights to fuel your own training sessions. How Dr. Mike recommends structuring your diet. Key supplements for performance. What Dr. Mike

2021-03-29T17:12:27+00:00March 29th, 2021|Guest podcasts|0 Comments

Make Mad Gainz With Physiologic Flexibility

Normally when the term “recovery” comes up, you think about sleep, proper nutrition, maybe even some light movement to get the old blood moving. Those are all great and essential but what else can you do to further promote recovery? There are two ways: 1) Acute recovery – all the great things you do mentioned above. The basics work well,

2021-05-04T01:31:34+00:00December 22nd, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Ready State Podcast Discusses Flex Diet with Dr Kelly and Juliet Starrett

Check out The Ready State Podcast I did with Dr. Kelly Starrett and his wonderful wife Juliet all about the Flex Diet! >> The Ready State Podcast w Dr. Mike T Nelson << Listen in. We covered everything from . . . Metabolism My MS thesis on a project that was so classified that I wasn’t even

2021-02-05T16:39:57+00:00July 28th, 2020|Guest podcasts, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Flex Diet Podcast: Dr. Dom D’Agostino on Red Light, Ketones, Fasting, Zapping Monkeys and More

Last week, I had tons of fun at the neurologist as we played with lasers, Gyrostim, and other fun tools to help my eyeballs. Just realized that this theme of light continues with my latest episode of the Flex Diet Podcast. My good friend Dr. Dom D'Agostino and I nerd out on several topics during

2020-12-16T15:37:13+00:00June 30th, 2020|Flex Diet Podcast, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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