Monthly Archives: August 2018

Dr. Ruscio Radio: 3 Simple Keys for Using Low Carb, High Carb & Intermittent Fasting for Optimum Metabolism

*from My good buddy, Dr. Ruscio interviews me on this his podcast where we talk about metabolic flexibility hypoglycemia macro cycling and many more metabolism questions Dr. R’s Fast Facts Summary Big picture take away… If you are having a hard time metabolizing a certain food, removing it or lowering intake is probably

2021-02-05T16:35:53+00:00August 15th, 2018|Guest podcasts|0 Comments

The Bledsoe Show: Mike T Nelson: Training the Core for Strength Sports #95

*from In this episode, I put Mike B through some of the most intense bodywork of his life. We talk about the hidden anatomy of the psoas and the diaphragm (which are technically one), how human dissection works, pelvic floor, the core and how it all works together, how dysfunction occurs, why people have

2021-02-05T16:35:53+00:00August 13th, 2018|Guest podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 482 Iron Radio – Topic Response to Injuries

*from Injuries are especially traumatic to athletes whose very identity is wrapped up in their ability to perform. This week, after handling listener mail and news, the guys discuss their responses to serious injuries. From initial alarm and anger, to medical treatment, to a resolve to start the long rehab process and even

2021-02-05T16:35:54+00:00August 12th, 2018|Guest podcasts|0 Comments

My new high protein favorite snack: Meat SNX

One of the great things about my “job” is that get all sorts of stuff in the mail to test out. Sadly, much of it goes into file 36 – where it is never heard from again. From time to time, something super cool comes along though and I am happy to share it with

2021-02-05T16:41:36+00:00August 11th, 2018|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Episode 481 Iron Radio – Topic Self-Monitoring

*from How do you know you're getting stronger? Or sleeping well? Or eating properly?   After addressing a backlog of listener mail, the guys discuss self-monitoring techniques. I chime in about mobility assessments, a battle-scarred Dr. L covers informal nutrition screening, and Phil tackles strength development and conditioning. Of course, everyone gets in

2021-02-05T16:35:54+00:00August 6th, 2018|Guest podcasts|0 Comments

Episode 126 – Muscle Expert Podcast – Metabolic Flexibility, Training and Nutrition

*From Muscle Expert Podcast In this brand-new podcast below with B-Pak, I go into depth on that plus a ton of other aspects . . . including. . .  KETO! Ben and myself put our snorkels on for a dive deep on what influences metabolic flexibility, the benefits of fat and carb adaptation and how

2021-02-05T16:35:54+00:00August 2nd, 2018|Guest podcasts|0 Comments
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