
Be Flexible (not what you are thinking)

It snowed in Minnesota the day right after the wonderful wifey arrived in S Padre TX, where it was a sunny 88F today. Since there was some wind, I opted yesterday to go kiteboarding in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it did not go as planned. I got my big 17M kite pumped up, launched, and started

2021-02-05T16:38:19+00:00October 27th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Episode 597-Iron Radio Stephanie Stepp Path to CrossFit

*from After sharing some science news on how to prevent muscle loss during deconditioning (hint: fish oils may help!), the guys chat with exercise physiology grad and CrossFit enthusiast, Stephanie Stepp. Tune in for topics like what attracted an educated woman into that world, staying competitive post-college, and tons more. Come on in!

2023-04-14T11:28:38+00:00October 27th, 2020|Articles, Podcasts, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The #1 Downside of Fitness Research

Ah.....nothing like hanging out on my couch on a cool Fall day with a fresh cup of Kick-Ass dark coffee post AM routine (red light, RPR, neuro rehab drills, cardio on the row and bike, cold water immersion in the ole freezer filled w water at 43F, reading brand new research. Yes, I read research

2021-02-05T16:38:19+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Science Based Guide to Met Flex on NBT podcast

Huge thanks to my friend, Chris Kelly, who asked me to be a guest on the Nourish Balance Thrive podcast. It's an honor to be asked back to chat about nerdy science. >>NBT podcast: A Science-Based Guide to Met Flex<< Listen in! And nerdy science it is . . . Here is what we discussed: [00:05:10]

2021-02-05T16:46:26+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Anabolic fish juice….say what?

Several years ago at a fitness conference, I had the following conversation with a "fit pro" (that word fit pro triggers me to no end for some reason). Fit Pro: Yo, I have been taking this new supplement and it has really helped my recovery big time. Me: Really, what is it? Fit Pro: Fish

2021-02-05T16:38:19+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Iron Radio Episode: Welcome to the Gun Show

Huge thank you to everyone who enrolled in this round of the Flex Diet Cert! Wahooo! Super stoked for all of you and I am excited to help you out with the material. In addition to yours truly nerdy having an epic 28+ miles of kiteboarding here in Minnesota this past weekend, I have a

2021-02-05T16:46:33+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Articles, Podcasts|0 Comments

Iron Radio Reviews: Bang Peanut Butter Blast Keto Coffee Taste Test

*from Into energy drinks? Or ready-to-drink protein? The Iron Radio podcast and its under-used sister broadcast Nutrition Radio offer insight this month in another video taste test! Join Mike T Nelson, Lonnie Lowery, Phil Stevens, and Michelle Blakely as they offer a rundown, including pros and cons, of another possible healthy food product, Bang

2021-02-05T16:47:58+00:00October 20th, 2020|Articles|0 Comments

Stack the deck in your favor…

Greetings from the early AM hours on a Saturday here in Minnesota where I am going behind the cheddar curtain to Wisconsin for the Reflexive Performance Rest (RPR) Level 2 course in a few hours after recording Iron Radio. Wait, you may be saying, why is this nerd taking the RPR Level 2 class when

2021-02-05T16:38:19+00:00September 2nd, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mouth vs Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is all the rage now, and for good reason. But like all things, just adding it is not the best idea. You want to have an assessment and a solid progression. A rough marker of progress is what HR can you hit and hold doing nasal breathing? I've been doing this with clients and myself

2021-02-05T16:38:20+00:00September 2nd, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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