
Mouth vs Nasal Breathing

Nasal breathing is all the rage now, and for good reason. But like all things, just adding it is not the best idea. You want to have an assessment and a solid progression. A rough marker of progress is what HR can you hit and hold doing nasal breathing? I've been doing this with clients and myself

2021-02-05T16:38:20+00:00September 2nd, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Flex Diet Podcast: S2 Ep 11 How To Improve Your Breathing – an Interview with Rob Wilson from Shift Adapt

Dr. Mike T Nelson and Rob Wilson from shiftadapt.com talk about breathing, CO2 vs. Oxygen, nasal breathing, good places to start, anti-fragility, mental resilience, and kiteboarding ) Dr. Mike’s all-time favorite subject). After 5,000 years breathing is “sexy” again! We discuss: Breathing from an evolutionary and survival aspect Self-regulation vs. self-optimization- why you should still

2021-02-05T16:38:20+00:00August 25th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Cold water post lifting – Why I did it wrong

Today after my upper body lifting session of axle bench press, trap bar deadlifts and some accessory rows with mechanical drop sets, pressdowns, axle curls, cable rows with the rolling thunder handle, and neck isometrics, I hopped into my freezer filled with 47 F cold water. Wait.....isn't there data to show that doing cold water

2021-02-05T16:38:20+00:00August 11th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Dark Beer, Saunas, and Contrast Therapy …in the name of gainZ

One of the comments I got from the BEER-HIIT study article I referenced about beer consumption around training was: nonsense since “everybody knows” that anyone who is serious about their fitness knows beer and gainz do not mix. It turns out this is false. Now, if you want to not drink, that is totally fine

2021-02-05T16:38:20+00:00August 10th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Alcohol and your GainZ – The BEER-HIIT study

The BEER-HIIT study seeks to answer a common question from my private M3 1-1 online clients (and one I've wondered about myself). “Does alcohol affect my gainZ and body comp?” It is a great question, so let’s dive into it using our friend S-C-I-E-N-C-E to see what we can learn. Backstory . . . As

2021-02-05T16:38:54+00:00August 10th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

All About Bro-Science (really?)

Yep, the crew at Iron Radio did a whole episode about "How To Do Bro-Science" Pic source We also covered some brand new data on which oils are best and the effects of NSAIDs on muscle and performance. >> How To Master Bro-Science << new Iron Radio Let me know what you think. This was a fun episode to

2021-02-05T16:39:51+00:00July 29th, 2020|Guest podcasts, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Ready State Podcast Discusses Flex Diet with Dr Kelly and Juliet Starrett

Check out The Ready State Podcast I did with Dr. Kelly Starrett and his wonderful wife Juliet all about the Flex Diet! >> The Ready State Podcast w Dr. Mike T Nelson << Listen in. We covered everything from . . . Metabolism My MS thesis on a project that was so classified that I wasn’t even

2021-02-05T16:39:57+00:00July 28th, 2020|Guest podcasts, Uncategorized|0 Comments

One-size-fits-all nutrition?

We all know a one-size-fits-all nutrition approach almost never works. I am always amazed at how we are all very similar yet different. Everyone operates on many of the same principles. For example, your muscles contact the same across-the-board with interactions of actin and myosin. However, you may be able to lift more with the

2021-02-05T16:38:54+00:00July 20th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Trifecta of Recovery – Can you guess it?

You know that you need to train in order to get dem' gainZ, but what then? Boring big basics here are best for recovery. Yawn... ...before you tune out, I have something new that can help you. At the top of the list, based on physiologic impact for recovery, is sleep. If I could wave

2021-02-05T16:38:55+00:00July 20th, 2020|Articles, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mental skills for fitness pros with Dr. Lisa Lewis

Greetings from Montana where the wonderful wifey and I are in the process of heading to Hood River OR with a stopover in Bozeman MT for about 36 hours. Before my food gets here, I wanted to drop you a note that Dr. Lisa Lewis was on the Iron Radio podcast this week to talk

2021-02-05T16:31:17+00:00July 13th, 2020|Guest podcasts, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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